Opposites Attract (23)

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Started writing this yesterday so hopefully it alright. today was mega stressful buuuuut... it's cool lol 

Rae 'Rae x


Gabriel’s POV

Well, I’m in the head teacher’s office and right now I don’t even care what happens to me, I’m just angry and confused as to why Serena didn’t push him away, she had a choice to stop him but she didn’t, I don’t get it!

“Gabriel, you do understand how serious this is don’t you? You knocked a boy unconscious”

“I know what I done”

“Why did you do it in the first place?”

“He kissed my girlfriend and I needed to do something about it, so I punched him”

“So this has to do with him kissing your girlfriend?”

I nodded “Yes it does, no one can just kiss my girlfriend and get away with it”

“That doesn’t mean you can just go and punch them for it”

I didn’t reply, I didn’t need to. I heard the door knock and I knew it was my parents, it was obvious. They walked through the door and looked more confused than angry,

“3rd time this month, what happened this time?”

“Gabriel got in another fight but this time he knocked the boy unconscious”

“Gabriel” I looked at my mum “Explain”

I told them everything that happened from the beginning and at the end of it the seemed to understand a bit better,

“Okay, I understand but that didn’t mean you had to knock him unconscious”

“He deserved it”

“He may have deserved something but definitely not that, understand?”

I nodded “Yeah”

Mr Rotchman sat up in his chair “Okay so because of this, I’m going to give you 2 options but it’s for your parents to decide”

“Go on”

“You can get excluded for 2 weeks but when you come back you will also have detention for another 2 weeks or you can go to anger management class right here in school”

“Anger management? Are you kidding me?”

He shook his head “No, I am not”

“He’ll go to the classes”

I looked over at my dad “Dad! I’m not going to those classes!”

“Yes, you are!”

“No, I’m not! I refuse to go!”

“You don’t have a choice, you will go to the classes, end of story”

“No” I stood up “I’m not going, now it’s end of story” I walked out of the office and into the car park to find Serena leaning against the car,

“Serena, what are you doing here?”

“I’m not letting you leave this car park until you believe that I love you”

“This should be good”

She sighed “I love you and you know that, I say it a lot and it’s just obvious, obvious to everyone but you”

“I never said you didn’t love me, I said I’m having my doubts, if you truly loved me, you wouldn’t go around kissing guys behind my back”

Opposites Attract (Sequel to 'Life Changes In An Instant')Where stories live. Discover now