Chapter Six: No amount of sugar can prepare you for waking up before sunrise.

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Thank you all for 100 reads, 11 votes and 12 comments! I hope you enjoy! After this chapter and chapter seven, things start to really turn...the game starts to get a little more complicated then Serenity, and even Ayden, thought. 

Commenote (comment and vote), you don't have to, but I would love if you did!

Chapter Six: No amount of sugar or caffeine can prepare you for waking up at the crack of dawn.

"Lively, wake up. Wake up, Serenity!"

Someone kept on poking me. "I swear, Adrianna, if you don't get the hell away from me!" I mumbled half asleep.

The poking stopped. "Adrianna?" A tired husky voice laughed. I thought the laugh was sexy until I saw who it belonged to. "What are you doing here at..." I glanced at my phone. "Three fifty in the morning?" I yawned.

Ayden rolled his eyes, annoyed. "We have detention this morning, thanks to you, remember?" he ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "And if we don't get there on time then we will get another one!"

I sighed and rolled over, ignoring his protests, and continued to sleep blissfully.


"You know, this is your entire fault, now we have two detentions!" Ayden was on his knees wiping the floor that was covered in baking ingredients.

"How many times are you going to say that? Shut up and keep working!" I grunted, while I tried to lift a crate full of cookbooks, unsuccessfully if I may add.

Ayden let out a huge breath and went back to picking eggshells up off the floor. I was wiping flour up off the counters when my phone buzzed, signaling an incoming text message.

"Babe, stop ignoring me PLEASE!"

I frowned and tightened my grip on the broom handle. "Leave me the heck alone, Jesse! I've moved on and I have a boyfriend!" I lied. Of course I've moved on, but that doesn't mean I have a boyfriend.

I felt a pair of eyes looking over my shoulder as I angrily typed the text. "Is Mrs. Lively having trouble in paradise?" Ayden asked curiously, trying to take a peek at previous messages.

I quickly shut the phone and slid it into my back pocket. "No, I'm fine, thank you very much! Everything's peachy in paradise!"

He smirked and leaned back on the counter, his blue eyes sparkling mischievously. "Talk to papa."

I rolled my eyes. "Nice try, Ayden, but what makes you think that I'm really going to confide in you? You have a pea-sized brain and an ice-cube for a heart."

He clenched his fists and turned around. "Get to work!" he barked out.

That's what I thought.

By the time we finished cleaning the baking kitchens, the sun was just peaking up. My muscles ached and my eyelids drooped down. I stifled a yawn as I looked to Ayden. His hair was a mess and he was slumped over in a chair. It was five ten, and my stomach was growling.

"Ayden," I whispered. "Can you make me some breakfast?" I rubbed my eyes and hoisted myself on the counter.

He lifted his head up and glared. His blue eyes iced over. "What makes you think I'm going to willingly make you food at five freaking A.M.!" he hissed harshly.

I smirked, knowing this was going to happen. "Because my dear partner, I can easily ruin your chances to win the cash prize." I still don't understand why he wants to win so badly. I mean he's filthy rich. He's freaking loaded!

He got up and kicked over his chair, and then slammed cabinets and drawers, trying to find something. He pulled out a box of sugary cereal, poured it into a ceramic bowl and placed it next to me. "Here's your breakfast. I like to call it 'the shut up and eat' special made by yours truly."

I gasped and picked up a pink dehydrated cereal marshmallow. "You call this breakfast?! Sure I eat this almost every day at home, but I was expecting a little more...finesse from the Ayden Callaway."

"You know what? Today I'm not feeling it, so you're going to eat the cereal whether you like it or not!" he yelled.

I hopped off of the counter and walked to the fridge. After pouring some milk into my bowl, I sat at the table and motioned for Ayden to sit down too. "Talk to mama." I said with a mouthful of candied coated oat cereal.

He scrunched up his face. "Why would I want to talk to you?" He stared at my mouth, grossed out. "Chew with your mouth closed."

I spooned another thing of cereal into my mouth, and chewed with it open. "Well obviously you want to talk to someone, and as I see it," I looked around the room. "No one but you and I are here."

He muttered something under his breath and stared down at his wrist. "Well as you probably know, I am a legend here at Frosted." He smirked, but got serious again. "Sure everyone wants to be me or be with me,-"

I coughed. "Adrianna." 

He continued, unfazed. "Yes, probably Adrianna, I mean who could resist this." He pointed to himself. "But I can tell all they really want is to beat me at my own game, but they can't. I was literally raised in a bakery all day every day, so it's kind of impossible for others to win."

"So what's the problem?"

"This is where you come in. Every single year at Frosted has been the same. Same people same curriculum, same prize and the same winner. But then you came along and disturbed the balance." He glared. "Me and Adrianna were at our strongest, but you're pretty much crumbling the relationship that I've worked so long to build up for the press...and my mother." He whispered the last part.

"I can't help it if she's a slut." I mumbled.


"Erm...nothing!" I said a tad bit too fast.

"Tell me." He spoke out from in between his clenched jaw. I couldn't tell him. It would affect his performance and risk my chances of winning the money. "Serenity, fucking tell me!"

"Zach. She's using Zach as a play toy and stringing you along." I squeaked out.

Ayden slammed his fist on the table, and I caught a glimpse of a tattoo on his wrist. 'Just me'. "I kind of already knew it. It wasn't like it was unexpected. But now my suspicions are confirmed. And when mom finds out I'm as dead as a rock! Hell is going to break loose!" he groaned and lifted his head. Something sparkled in his eyes and he grinned evilly. "You and I are going to get revenge on Adrianna and win this competition."

I smirked. This was my type of game and revenge is my middle name...Okay not really. My middle name is Jules, but you get the point.

He stood up from his chair. "Don't think this makes us all buddy-buddy. I still hate you and I'm only being civil with you because we need to wreck Adrianna." And with that he walked out of the door. Shit just got real, and you know what? I'm loving it.

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