vingt six

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when justin walked in, he looked at his watch. "i have thirty minutes to talk, im flying back out to cali for whitehall."

nodding, i look at him as i sit on the island in the kitchen. "how did you even catch feelings, justin?"

"it sort of just happened. before that night i stayed here, i knew i liked you but i wasn't sure if i was playing myself so i kind of made love to you instead of fucking like we usually do." he says lowly. "i don't know what to do."

"let me leave and focus on your marriage. you have a company that you could lose."

"it's not my company yet so if i divorce her, all she gets is the rings on her finger." he replies, me wanting to laugh but it wasn't the time for that.

"you barely know me. we've been fucking for a while but i was a whore, justin. you can't ju-"

he walked up to me and kissed me. it wasn't the rough kisses we usually share, it was a slow kiss like the ones we shared the day we made love. "justin, stop." i whisper, as i pull away, our faces still inches from each other.

"you don't want this, do you?"

"i don't know what i want but i know you need to get shit settled with karmen and let me leave. you're about to go to cali, do something romantic." i suggest, and he shakes his head.

"im flying solo to cali. i don't need distractions right now." he sighs, glancing at his watch. "where does your parents live?"

"in philadelphia."

he just nods. i look down then back up to see him staring directly at me. "if this is all, i guess i should just leave."

"this is your loft, i'll leave." i jump down from the island, justin grabbing my hand. that small gesture made my heart start racing.

"stay here. i said you can stay as long as you needed. i need to go anyways, i didn't even pack anything." he lets go of my hand then starts walking toward the door. "i guess i'll see you whenever?"

i nod, as he opens the door and walks out. sighing, i look up at the ceiling, then walked out to the balcony, watching him get into his car and speed off.



in cali, i was in my hotel room when i got a facetime call on the laptop i had brought with me. when i answered it, karmen's face on the screen. "how's it going?"

"boring." i answer honestly. "i wish i could've brought you with me."

she frowns. "don't work yourself too hard, babe."

"im not."

as i was piling the papers back up, i hear karmen tell me to look at her. when i did, she was standing there in some lace lingerie. "damn, babe." i smirk.

"i know. i hate to say this now but cambria picked it out when we were shopping in cali."

as soon as her name was brought up, my heart started racing. biting my lip, i look at the keyboard then back up at karmen. "i can't physically touch you right now so how about you save that for when i get home?"

"i can't wait." she giggles. smiling, i grab my phone to see a text from cambria. actually several texts.

david threatened to find a way to take down your company

he's still pissed i quit

im so fucking sorry i just keep ruining everything

sighing, i lock my phone, then looked at karmen who was now dressed in her pajamas. "what's wrong?" she questions.

"drama at the office and here as well. i'll call you tomorrow, i need to get as much sleep as i can."

"okay, goodnight. i love you."

"i love you too."


he's lying bitch u love cambria

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