Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

we started blankly at each other, me and Ronan, eventually I broke the silence by saying "ummm yes ms??" Ms McTully made her way around her desk and sat down in her large black leather chair. "Yous are not in trouble but I have a question for you Amy involving Ronan. The fact is is that he doesn't know his way around the school yet and I was watching you both and yous got on well so would you mind Amy? For the next couple of days showing Ronan around the school?" "Sure ms... do we have the same schedule or.." she cut me of before I could finish my sentence "I have already checked and yes you both have the same class except for math but yous are next door so that should be ok... so do you mind?" "ummm sure no problem" I looked at Ronan and he was smiling biting his lip. "is it ok with you Rona.." "Yup!" he answered quickly. "ohh sorry" he added after he saw ms McTully glaring at him for interrupting her. Anything I know about ms McTully over the last 2 years is that you NEVER interrupt her. "mmhh well here is your late slip to your next class. now on you go"

As we left the room I swung my bag over my shoulder and went to pull my long ombre hair out and for it to drop by my shoulders but when I went to do so, Ronan had already beaten me to it and was slowly fixing my hair from behind me. I stood still. Not daring to breathe. His breath was on the back of my neck. "There you go" he said. i honestly didn't know what to do.

I stood there and just blinked. I couldn't move. I was in shock. No boy had ever been this close to me. And yet I hardly even knew Ronan. I began to feel really faint and felt very dizzy. Ronan looked scared and I was too. I never felt like this before. My legs were too weak and couldn't hold my body up. Then everything went blank and my head smacked against to wooden floor.

(ok I have never written a POV, Point Of View, for a boy before so bear with me and I promise I'll get better at it!)

Ronan's POV

"Amy. Amy" Oh my god I didn't know what to do. She was just lying on the floor. She looked like she was dying her face was white! Like Casper the ghost white! I picked her up in the bridal possession as everyone else was in class and carried her into the main office. I sat her down on the large chairs and ran over to the office window. And opened it up " im sorry Amy has just collapsed over here" One of the receptionists came over and opened the door for me. "Can you bring her over here for us?" "Sure!" I turned and Amy was awake. I ran over to her. She started to mumble, "W what happened. Why am I here?" I brushed the hair that was covering her face out of the way and picked her up. It's okay. You fainted and I'm bringing you into the office now" I didn't notice but she was unconscious again. I brought her into the office and lay her down on the bed. I guess this school doesn't have a nurse's office. Then the same lady who opened the door for me came into the small room and knelt down beside Amy. "Okay when did she faint?" I told her literally a couple of minutes ago and then asked if I could get her a wet cloth for her forehead. "Sure go on ahead just out the door and to the left" I left the room and found the sink. Seriously I'm no doctor but even I know if someone faints you surpassed to get them a cloth. I rung the cloth out and headed into the room again. She still wasn't awake and I was starting to get nervous. Then I turned to the receptionist again and asked if we should ring her parents. "Okay honey I'll go now" Minutes passed and I was really getting nervous the bell finally went and I could hear a lot of commotions from all the students outside. The door opened and an older women entered she had curly, black hair shoulder length and I'll tell you now I am NO fashion guru but even I knew she was dressed like crap. "Okay she still hasn't woken up so we are going to ring for an ambulance to come and collect her" Wait, what!


Okay guys whats happened to Amy?! im gonna try to make it a regular thing to update every 2-3 days until September and the, because im going into 3rd year ill have alot more school work so it will probably be ever Friday i update.

Please Vote up and Follow me so i know people are reading my stories i love writting and i hope yous enjoy it!


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