Chapter 12

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Sorry for not updating in ages but you know its been CHRISTMAS!! CRAZY 2013 flew by and i hope you all have a great 2014! Thank you as always for all the lovely comments! I hope you like this chapter and btw i made a twitter page about my books its or go to by bio and get all links there!


Amys POV

I blushed, hard. I could feel my cheeks becoming warmer by the minute. Ronan kissed my neck lightly while stil holding me tight. My throat was going extremly dry and my hands were becoming sweaty. Its easy to say ive never haad a boyfriend before and i have to idea what to do.

Ronan spun me around slowly so i was now facing him. He slowly lifted his hand up to my cheeck. His fingers were on the back of my neck while his thumb was brushing against my cheeck slowly.

"Your an amazing artist, beautiful, funny girl Amy. and i just want to say thank you for treating me like Ronan. And not Ronan Parke from Britians Got Talent"

"Ronan" oh god there goes my cheecks again, i looked down to hind this.

"Your really cute when you blush, you know!" he chuckled low to himself. He slowly bent his head down and lift my head up with his hand still on my cheeck, i felt his lips slowly place themselves against mine.They were so soft and careful. Is careful a weird word to say when your describing a guys lips! but they were! Gentle i think thats a better word.

I didnt realize how much i was smiling into this kiss. He was just making me feel so loved and like nothing else mattered when i was with him. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled me by my waist so there wasnt even air between us.

I lowered my hands so there were now resting on his shoulders and slowly pulled my lips away from his. I didnt want to but we had to get this recorded quickly.

Ronans POV

Amy slowly pulled away from the kiss. Oh no did i scare her with everything i said, was it too fast? I feel really bad now.

"C'mon we should start recording the song" she said with a smile on her face.

"Okay then. umm do you wanna recird the piano first?"

"Sure do you know how to work everthing ok?" she said as she walked over to the piano and sat down.

"Yeah i have something similar at my house"

I sat down at the desk and got everything ready then gave Amy the thumbs up and she began to play. She really was amazingat piano. It was effortless how she played like she wasnt even trying, shes amazing. I cant wait until her audition she'llk make it easily.

I didnt realize that Amy was finished and she was signalling me to stop recording her. I pressed stop, took of the headphones and walked over to her.

"That was really good!" she playfully hit my arm as she walked past me and she laughed. I walked over and stood in front of the microphone and waited for Amy to give me the signal to begin.


Im so sorry this is like the shortest chapter ever! I hand exams to catch up on so i just wanted to get up a chapter.

Sarah_Hyland xxx

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