Chapter 11

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Okay so since i last updated i reached 1000 reads! I wanted to say thank you to anyone who read, voted,commented and followed me! When i started this book i was help a girl who was really sick but had this amazing idea! After i wrote the first chapter for her she gave me permission to continue writting it on my account as she saw how much i loved to write and she said i had lots of potential! So this is dedicated to Emma!


Amys POV

We left the gym and made our way towards music I can already tell Ronan will be good with this subject! I havent heard him sing before so i hope hes asked to.

"Really? You do?" Ronan asked which made me snap out of my daydream. "I do what?" I said with a small laugh.

"You want me to sing?" Oh dear mother of peperoni pizza i said that outload!

"And you said that as well!" Ronan was now smiling at me trying to hold back a laugh. "Sorry" i didnt really know how to reply to that. i've always had a problem of  thinking allowed. When i was 10 years old i was thinking about how i wanted my teacher to be eaten my a dragon and then put into a baby dragon egg in class one day. Lets just say i was in the principles office for the rest of the day.

He opened the door to the music room for me and let me walk in before him! How cute! Thank goodness i didnt think that allowed.

"I'll sing to you whenever you want me to. Just ask" he whispered in my ear as we were going to the back of the room to take our seats. I turned to face him and to see him smiling to himself.

"I will hold you to that you know!" i winked at him then sat down on the right side on the 2 seater table and Ronan then sat on the left.

We got our notebooks out as well a a pen and pencil from our blazer pockets and just talked until our teacher came, Mrs Murphy. I liked her alot. She was the only teacher that understand how shy i am but lets me come out of my shell at my own time, she doesnt push you to do anything. Like most of the other teachers in this school.

She sat her bag down at her desk and came down the back to me and Ronan.

"Hello Ronan. i am Mrs Murphy! How have you been settling into school?"

"Thanks Ms. Its been great so far. Amy has helped alot" he turned to wink at me. It was a bit embarrising with my teacher there but i knew he was doing it because she was here.

"Oh yes Amy is a very talented singer and artist, tell me Ronan would you mind singing something for the class?"

"Yeh sure but only if Amy plays piano for me" I could already feel my hands shaking like made.

"That fine! Brilliant yous two go and get ready and i will tell the class."

Ronan guided me up to the piano at the front of the class and sat down on the stool beside me. I cant do this i mean i willl die! Oh my smurf! Ronan could tell and held my hand tightly reasuring me everything waas going to be okay.

"What are you going to sing, will i know it?"i asked him.

"Let Me Love You, i think you know it because it was at you piano" i noded at him showing i knew it and started to practice it quietly while he was humming along.

"Okay class so Ronan and Amy will now begin. Pay attention. Okay whenever yous two are ready you can begin."

Ronan squeezed my had for the last time before letting go allowing me to play. I took a deep breath and began playing the introduction. Then Ronan began to sing and he was amazing! i never heard anything like it before.

My new Class mate! Ronan ParkeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum