Chapter 5

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Amy's POV

     I swung my bag and blazer in the back seat and opened the front door and got in the car. My mum works in a big company. i don't know that much about it to say the least . Anytime i ask my mum anything about her work all she says is that i know what i need to and then she would give me £5 to leave her to do whatever it is she does.                                                                                                     She was still in her work clothes; cream blouse, black pencil skirt and heels that i'm surprised she hasn't broken her neck in already. She had one of those little ear pieces in her ear that you can talk into. And no surprise she was on it. Seriously her own daughter has to be brought home from school after COLLAPSING and she doesn't even realize she's in the car.                                                           After a few moments in the car i tapped her on the forearm to get her attention. She squatted my hand away. Then began to drive the car to our house. I took my phone from my blazer after i heard it go of. I figured i had a new message.

From: The Sexy Beast

Are you feeling better?   

What?? Who is this? oh my god its Ronan. I was laughing quietly to myself. My mum noticed this. "What you smiling at?" We were turning into my estate now. "Hmm oh nothing" I quickly relpied to him.

To: The Sexy Beast

Yeah i am thanks for checking;) and seriously? The Sexy Beast Ronan? haha

Obviosly my mum was not buying it. "Oh come on Amy. I know your lying. You were smiling to yourself since you got that message and sent that one there now! Was he that boy with you at the door?"  By the time she had finished this lecture about 'knowing me' we were parked in my driveway. I quickly jumped out trying to avoid this talk. I got my blazer and bag and waited at my door for my mum to unlock it. She wasnt getting out of the car so i dropped my stuff and went over to the drivers side.

"Why arent you getting out?" But i already knew the anwser. She wasnt coming in because she was going back to work. "Honey i have to work late. i took my lunch break early to come and get you. here" she reached into her black cluth bag and got the spare house key and £30, "I wont be back until late so order yourself some dinner. Bye" with that she kissed my cheeck and drove down the driveway, turned left and the car vanished.

I was alone in the driveway. i sighed to myself. I went to the front door, gathered my stuff up and went inside. I threw key and money in the bowl on the cabinet beside the door. I ran up the stairs into my room. I threw my bag beside my bed and got changed into grey sweatpants and a black tank top. How's gonna see me right? I plugged my phone in and turned my laptop on and climbed into bed. I quickly checked my Twitter and Face book before setting my laptop in the table beside my bed. I put an eye mask i have on and tried to get asleep. 

The door! The front door! it just shut. It was only 15:37 my mum wouldnt be home yet. oh shit someone was breaking in to my house! I creaped out of bed slowly and grabbed my baseball bat behind the door and snuck down the stairs. I could hear their shoes on the kitchen tiles. "Ahhhh!!" i ran in about to smack them over the head then whoever it was dropped to the ground. "Amy its only me!! calm down" Ronan fricken Parke. " Ronan!! what the hell! how do you know where i live!" I throw the bat on the white corner couch in the living room a jointed to the kitchen. "Calm down its OK" i didnt realize how heavy my breathing was. I went to sit down in the living room. 

Ronan followed me and sat down beside me. "When the receptionist at the school brought up your info to ring your mum i saw your address." All i could reply was"Oh" "You have a really nice place here" I thanked him.  Ronan was walking around looking at all of the family photos i put up. "Is this your mum and dad" I went over to his side and picked up the picture of the three of us. "Yeah. that was our last family holiday. I was seven." I hated talking about my dad. It always upset me. 

Ronans POV

Amy was telling me about a photo of her family. "How close are you with your parents?" She looked really upset. Her face dropped as soon as i asked that question. I knew something was wrong. "Its okay Amy. You can tell me" She blinked a few times and noded. "Okay umm. My mum has a really important job which i knew nothing about. So she nearly always works late and is normally gone by the time i wake up." "And your dad?" A moment passed before she said anything. " He umm died. A few days after this picture was taken." That hit me. I loved both my parents and didnt know what i would do if i was alone as much as Amy is. "Im so so sorry" She took a deep breath. "Thanks. He was training to be a piolet. He always loved planes. he only had a few hours left to do but something went wrong and his plane crashed in a field when he was trying to do an emergency landing. He would have been amazing" "Wow. im truly sorry."

I saw a tear crawl down her cheeck. She was beginning to cry.  I turned to her and wiped her tears away with my shirt sleeve. "Do you wanna watch a movie for a bit?"  I think she wanted to take her mind of it. I told her yes and she went over and opened a cabnet in the wall. She asked me what i wanted to watch. " You must have like 200 movies here!" I could hear her cute laugh. It was quiet but there. "Ino everytime my mum misses something important to me or forgets to collect me from somewhere she would get me the latest DVD. umm Woman in Black?" "Sure" I got the DVD down because it was on the top shelf and she would'nt have been able to reach it. "Thanks" she took it from my hand and placed it in the DVD Player. She handed my blue glasses? I was confussed and im sure my face showed it. what are these for??? Then she bursted out laughing?! Im really confused now.

Amy's POV

I was literally pissing myself! "What!" Ronan was getting annoyed. In between breathes i said "Your face! Its a 3D TV you douche!" He just sat down on the couch looking a bit annoyed. "Awww im sorry" by this time i was beside him. "Its ok" and he pulled me into a hug. I knew i was blushing. I could feel my cheeks burning up. Well this isnt a bit embarrising at all!  He did a low laugh "is wee Amy blushin?" I didnt have to look up to know he was smirking.  "No! I do not blush!" of course he knew i was acting. But he was playing along "Sure. Okay" we both started laughing. a few moments passed until the movie started. I didnt even realize that my head was on Ronan's knees and he was playing with my hair. My eyes were getting heavier. Everytime i cry i always get tired afterwards.Then i felt my eyes beginning to close. i wasnt going to fight it. Then Ronan was beginning to hum. Well im definitly falling asleep now.


Chapter 5 already??? WOW thanks to everyone reading this so far.

Sarah_Hyland xxx

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