Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 - 

Quick note FinalWarning posted a comment on my first chapter saying that I have been say Parkes instead of Parke im sorry if that annoyed or upset any fans but its alright because I now know not to make that mistake… again! So I dedicate this chapter to him for being the first person to comment on my story and for correcting me LOL! Also I would like to dedicate this to zoeelizabeth135 as she was the first person to follow me!! Thanks sooo much to both of you’s!!

Recap- Okay so in the last chapter Amy fainted and was about to be rushed to hospital. Ronan is shocked and doesn’t know what to do!

Amy’s POV

I opened my eyes. Why was I here? I was still laying down in a bed and was admiring the most ugliest ceiling lights I have ever seen in my life! Oh My Dear Lord!!! I remember what happened now. Ronan was fixing my hair then I fainted. Fainted! I could of at least thanked him before smacking my head of the ground at his feet! Then I remembered what I thought when I woke up. Where the blimming hell am I! I was in a small room and the wall where painted a grey colour. 2 chairs were at the side of the bed. A few magazines and nothing else. Great I woke up in jail. Jail! Did he report me for assault? I jumped of the bed and the very second my feet hit the ground I had to reach for the bed as I had the worst headache ever! There was a cloth on my pillow so I took it and put it on my forehead and walked slowly to the door and opened it a crack.

I saw Ronan and the receptionist from my school talking. Oh thank the lord I’m not in prison! Anyway I could only hear a few word from Ronan ‘no.. hospital… awake..’ then they were just mumbles again. Hospital? I know im not in a hospital because when I opened the door I saw the reception. Wait… are they taking me to the hospital? That’s it no way in hell am I going there. I burst the door opened “please don’t take me to the hospital!” Ronan ran over to my side and held my arm to support me. “Its ok we’re not taking you there” he was emphasising on the not. Then a young receptionist came over and told me my mums coming to collect me to take me home. Then directed me to sit in the room with the bed again. Me and Ronan went in then she told Ronan he could go to class. “It’s okay ill stay until her mum gets here” At this point I was sitting on the bed with my legs hanging over the side and Ronan was leaning on the bed, and what ever way he was standing his hand touched mine on the bed. Evan Almighty! Okay not a big deal. Control yourself girl! “Okay but as soon as her mum is here I want you in class” giving us both one of the look adult give to when they are trying to be serious but in fact they just look like they are trying to see how far their eyebrows go up there faces. We both then shook our heads to show we understood then she left. It was just me and Ronan in the room for 20 minutes……. Alone.

Okay I think this is one of the longest chapters I’ve wrote and I hope you like it! Hows your summer been so far and is there anyone out there going to Ireland!! I’ll be waiting ;)

Also a big thanks to FinalWarning yet again just checked my page and he is leaving me such helpful comments and love ya! xx

Haha so yeah thanks a lot to you all and please vote and follow because then I know there are people reading this and im not going to turn in to a lonely cat woman who has 9 cats and has to result to wearing a ring like Ms McTully in my story! ………please vote and follow…   :O

Sarah_Hyland xx                            

My new Class mate! Ronan ParkeWhere stories live. Discover now