Trip to Neverland

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I almost tumble down the hill, it has begun to get dark. I panic glancing at from Jessie,Will, Cass and then Andy once I reach the bottom."Where is Eddy?" I say frantically ask looking deep into Andy's gray eyes.

"I thought he was up there with you," Andy says staring back at me.

"He was probably taken by Pan. I tried to protect him but Pan pushed me far down the forest and by the time I got back up there he was gone," I say on the verge of tears. Jessie grabs me in an embrace and guides me home. Once inside I break. Sobbing in my little sister's arms.

"I know you tried sis. You will get him back, we both will!" Jessie says soothingly. I lift from Jessie's arms and try to compose myself.

I look straight at Jessie vengefully and say,"I am going to kill him. He took Johnny, Danny, Arty, and now Eddy. Every male I care about besides Will and Andy are gone because of that devil!"

"With a heart full of hate you will not be able to call him you know that right," Jessie says cautiously. This is because for boys to be captured they need only be 'lost', girls however are different. For girls they must have a heart full of love towards all and say "I love the lost boys" once.Pathetic but true that is really how Wendy got there. The hard part is returning unless you kill the person on Neverland with the darkest soul obviously Peter Pan.

"Then you do it," I say vengefully realizing how dangerous it would be and say, " Nevermind don't you dare even think about it."

"Go train your magic to get out your anger," Jessie says smartly. I nod and head out the door slamming the door angrily. I dash to the woods as a storm roars over the town. On my way there I run into Andy.

"I have to know what happened," he says eagerly with tear falling from his eye. I relay the story grabbing Andy in an embrace.

"I am sure he is still fine. I will bring him back! I will bring them all back!" I say firmly as possible in between sobs. He is sobbing too but looks up at me with a smile. I wipe his tears away and then my own.

"I know you will! I will come with you," he says firmly.

"No, no one else is going to. I am not even letting my sister come its too dangerous and I do not even know what else could be in Neverland," I say and swiftly move passed him into the woods. As soon as I know I am alone I start forming a fireball in my hand and throwing at a target I made about 100 feet away. Dead center as always. If only that could have been Peter Pan. I throw another fireball at a target about 200 feet away. The leaves crunch and rustle behind me.

"Who's there," I practically yell. In fear of being followed I run and head up a tall, old, whimsical oak tree with branches molesting the branches of other trees. I smirk as the wind caresses my skin gently and wisps my hair behind me. Then I close my eyes enchanted by the beauty of nature. A branch then snaps and I catch a glimpse of red hair. "Jessie what are you doing here," I say as the figure slowly moves out of hiding. A little boy pops out where I assumed my sister would. He is a small redhead, freckled face, and green-eyed little boy. He seems to be younger than my sister.

"My name is Warren I am just lost my parents died when I was born and my Aunt just had a heart attack," he says and I can sense Peter on his way.

"Do you want a place to stay you can trust me?" I say hoping to rescue him from Pan's grasp.

"I am looking for my older brother he looks like me except blond hair have you seen him," he says I know he is telling the truth that is another gift I have. Clearly though no one else is around because there is not a single sound. Now I know he is a goner because he truly is lost without parents and a brother far away. Then comes the gust of window with Pan's shadow to follow. Pan comes right after both of us and almost grabs us.

"I love the lost boys," I scream and save Warren for now as they both sweep me away.

As we are in the air Peter can not stop smirking maliciously. I try to burn his hands and he drops me. Luckily I land in a tree another older boy who looks like Warren is walking towards town with Warren. So, he was near enough. As I glance down Pan grabs me by the armpits. I try burning him again but he must have used magic to make cuffs. I struggle trying to reach higher on him. He holds me in his arms like a princess snaps his fingers as I continue to struggle and I pass out.

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