Character Info

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Noah's Background

Username: ShadowArcherNoah

Name: Noah (Known as "The Shadow Archer")

Age: 17

Story: Grew up as a peasant and his parents were killed by Israphel. Is on a mission to seek revenge for his family. 

Wither's Background

Username: Wither_Matrix

Name: Wither/The Hunter/Monster/Reaper/(God of Death and Destruction later on)

Age: Secretly thousands of years old, but is 21.

Story:Wither was a young boy who lived way before the era of Minecraftia even started. He was the son of a famous enchanter, who was known across all the lands. His mother was just your normal Minecraftian, she bakes, cleaned, cooked, and loved her son deeply. But one day everything changed, "they" came. The army feared by many and that rules the nether with an iron fist, the Wither army. Even Herobrine himself believes this army to be a threat to him. They destroyed his village, slaughtered everyone in the village, killed his parents, but they left him. But he was only left out of the mercy of the wither and as a reminder of what this immense army is capable of. This caused him great grief so he fled, far away from that cursed village. After many days of running he made his way to a small little town full of adventurers and magicians. But he stumbled upon a certain male later on known to be the "mighty" wizard Fumblemore. Fumblemore took him under his wing and taught the young one all about magic and showed him how to forge mighty enchanted blades, he also gave him the rarest artifact known as the Grim Reaper's cloak.

Then many many years later he decided it was time to take his revenge. So he forged one of the strongest blades in all of Minecraftia known as the Wither's Bane. The Withers Bane was one of the legendary swords that were made to do one thing, kill. Not only did it have the capability of killing undead but it was just as deadly to the living as it is the undead. Each legendary sword was soul bound to its owner so only its creator can wield it. The result another person touching that owners sword will be death. The sword will consume your soul and slowly burn it sending you to the afterlife with a slow and agonizing death.

After this legendary blade was forged Wither set off to take his revenge. As soon he set foot in the nether he was immediately attacked by wither skeletons, they knew he was coming it was only a matter of time before he wanted to take his revenge. He took down the skeletons just as fast as he was attacked by them.He ventured deep into the castle slaughtering countless wither skeletons and blazes until he finally reached the top of the castle, where the Wither himself was waiting patiently for him.

Without hesitation he charged in and chopped one of the 3 heads off of the Wither. In pain the Wither and the mighty apprentice of Fumblemore clashed. The castle was abused by countless wither skulls and vibrations from the clashing of the warrior and the beast. Next a second head is cut off until all that was left was the beast's body and head. Finally the young warrior stood on the beast that took away everything he ever loved and cared for he finally spoke after a long moment of silence, "Pitiful that the almighty king of the nether fell to a mere human, you caused me a lot of pain and suffering so I decided to let you feel what I felt after all these years; you took away everything I ever loved and cared about so I made your death slow and agonizing, well I think it's time to end you one and for all." He dealt the last blow and killed the Wither.

Finally it's time to head home so as the warrior starts to head home, the castle starts crumbling at a hastened rate. Before the warrior could take another step the floor collapsed and he fell into the lava. But as he fell the nether star from the wither merged with the reapers cloak. So as he fell into the nether the cloak changed into a yellow and green cloak then there was darkness.

When he woke up he found that his bones burnt and looked like charcoal. One of his eyes were turned pure white and he found that objects decay as he touched them. These powers also came with immortality. He was immune to all disease and pain. He was forever alive with no way to die. Anything he touched withered and died when he didn't have his special gloves on. All of his abilities were enhanced not only that he gained a new ability, time travel. From that point onwards he wasn't some human, he became the almighty King of the nether and the wither hunter. One day he decided he was tired of the nether and set out on a journey, but before he left he visited his father's grave. Written on the tombstone was "Israphel" he payed his respects, ripped open a portal, and left.  

Jojo's Background

Username: Skylord Jojo

Name: Jojo (sometimes known as the lamb)

Age: Look in her early twenties but is over a hundred years old maybe even two

Story: She will never tell her story directly with some exceptions. Will tell you parts of her story if you ask but no one except her knows the whole story but the reason why no one's ever asked the right questions.

 Will tell you parts of her story if you ask but no one except her knows the whole story but the reason why no one's ever asked the right questions

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