Retreat to Mistral

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Kelly POV

We have been traveling to Mistral City by Jojo's airship The Majesty, for three days straight and Jojo still hasn't woken up yet I'm really worried. She never been out this long but of course she never fought without using some type of power. If she doesn't use her powers to heal she'll heal at a normal rate like everyone else but it will also leave scarring if she does use her powers it will leave no mark whatsoever no matter how severe. I'm just really worried.

Wither POV

I look around to search for Kyle and Kelly, but they were gone. Noah points at the sky and says, "Look it's JoJo's airship! But how did they get to it? Doesn't matter how, this means we don't have to walk!!" I shake my head, "You're so lazy y'know you learned how to walk when you were a child, get some exercise ya lazy bum." We both laugh and we board the airship as they land, with JoJo being carried on Noah's back and he takes her to her room and lays her on her bed. Then Noah and I sit down to rest from all of the fighting, then Kyle and Kelly take off. "Hey are we headed to Mistral?" I ask. Kelly nods her head and she says, "Yes, Mistral is the safest place we can go so we're heading there, it's going to be a journey that lasts a couple of days. So sit down and rest, you two earned it. There are potions and snacks in the chests if you need them." Noah and I nod and we lay back into our chairs and rest from the fights. A day later we wake up and decide to do some sparring in the evening, if we're going to fight such a great evil we need to prepare. What's better than training with another powerful person. Keeping in mind we're on a air ship we won't go too crazy so we don't destroy JoJo's ship, she would be pissed. So Noah and I start back to back and walk 15 paces forward, then we face each other. He smiles and says, "I haven't gotten too see how strong you are, I've been dying to see what you can do." I smile back, "Yes, same here I'm very curious what you are cable of too, this will be a good sparring match!" We take a fighting stance and charge at each other, we go to punch each other but we both dodge it at the same time. Then we both pull a reversal and sweep each other off of our feet. We quickly start frantically blocking and dodging each other's punches and kicks. We then both dash back and we both start to send some energy into our fists, his fist is covered in a dark purple colored aura and mine is covered in a pure black aura. He looks at me and smiles, "Let's end this sparring match shall we?" I nod and smile back, "Yes let's end it with this last attack." Kyle and Kelly both have a nervous look on their face, they blink and we dash at full speed, with the colors of our auras behind us as we run towards each other. Then as we get closer we draw back our fists and our punches collide. It shakes the entire airship and scares Kyle and Kelly do death. We both fly back, but we both stop ourselves from ragdolling. We both laugh and shake each others hand after the match. We both sit down and I say, "That was a fun match, we were evenly matched that entire time. Even though we were holding back it was nice to get some training in we're going to need it for the upcoming fights." Noah lays back, "Yeah I agree we need to start preparing for the worst at this point, these guys are going to be powerful. I think we should take a rest, we need to be well rested just in case of an attack." I lay back too, "Yeah I agree we're almost to Mistral at this point might as well sit back and relax." Then we both pass out 5 minutes later. Noah and I were both asleep and it was about 10 in the morning, we hear Kyle and Kelly scream, "Guys we made it to Mistral I can see it over the horizon!" We both jump up and crash into each other since we're half asleep, we fall to the floor then we get back up and run over to the edge of the ship. There it was, Mistral city, in all its glory. I can see Fumblemore's tower from here, I need to stop by and see him then! Then we end up landing in the Mistral ship docking, and we get ready to head into the city.  

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