The Morning After: recovery of the hangover

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Wither POV

After hours and hours of no sleep, it finally was morning. When you aren't time traveling, time sure does pass by slow. Wither gets up from his bed and decides to go grab a drink. He get's up and on his way down he falls down the stairs, but before he falls he grabs onto the wall and he pushes himself back up. He thought to himself, "that was a close one, not like I could have died anyways..." He then walks down and grabs a bottle of milk. He then decides to walk outside and go into the forest so that he can practice and see the amazing views that lie, within the forest. So as he goes into the forest while enjoying his nice cold bottle of milk. Milk strengthens bones, considering he's a skeleton milk is always good. He made his way into the heart (center) of the forest. He then took off his gloves and began to manifest a wither skull. He then saw a creeper underneath the shadows of a big oak tree. He aimed and then threw the skull. He turned around and he heard the skull's impact. He turned back around to see a piece of gunpowder laying on the ground. He smiled, "My aim is still as good as ever, but that doesn't mean I can't improve it even more!" he then looked around and picked out 5 trees to target. He set a timer He then pulled out a blindfold and counted down, 3, 2, 1. He then shot out five wither skulls, you could hear each loud explosion right after another. Wither then took the blindfold off and as he did all five trees fell down like dominos. As he moved out of the way he said, "Gosh that was a close one, not like me getting crushed by a tree would do anything. I just hope Swampy isn't around or I'm going to get the "Save the trees, you hurt my forest I'll hurt you, and blah blah blah blah blah talk" again." He then proceeded to pull out his sword, everyone know's as the Wither's Bane. This sword was forged from the special diamonds in the legendary Stoneholm diamond mines, it was the bane of everything living and dead, and no one else could wield it. Fumblemore taught him everything he knew about brewing and enchanting. This sword wasn't just your ordinary diamond sword, it was made from the blood diamonds. These meant the sword was unbreakable, not only that the blade was the color of blood. A sword as strong as this had to have a safety precaution incase someone else were to steal or attempt to use it. So Wither made his sword soulbound to him. What does that mean you ask (even though you can probably guess what it means)? Yes, it means the sword can only be wielded by him. No matter who you are or what you're made of if you were to touch his sword, it would do 1 of three things depending on the person. If you're a human it would take your soul and slowly burn it slowly and agonizingly before you get sent to the afterlife. If you are a "mysterious" force it will absorb all of your power and kill you on the spot, regardless of status. Finally and the most gruesome out of the 3 effects, and Wither's personal favourite the wither effect If you were to touch this blade and you could somehow bypass the other two effects this one would end you no matter what. This effect will slowly rot your body, it isn't a poison it's a curse. It will slowly decay you while draining your source of energy, not only that but it will nullify any magic, powers, abilities, and strength you have. What a fitting sword for the king of the Nether. He then decided to chop up the trees, with his sword. One swing was all it took and he turned all 5 trees into firewood. He got about 2 stacks worth of wood (assuming each tree is about 6 blocks high). He then decided it was time to head back. As he headed back he was unaware of a hooded man behind him, the only thing you could see, was red eyes.

Jojo POV

I woke up from the worst hangover my head is pounding and now I remember way I stop drinking that stuff. That's when I realize I was in my ship and my flower was on my personal chest. I smile knowing kelly probably put it there. Wait when did I get on my ship? I walk out on to the deck and Oh the sun so bright. I slowly walk down stairs holding my head with my left hand. My head was still throbbing it feels like it was going to pop. As I made my way down it looks like the poker group left as I enter the main room Kelly greeted me with a warm smile "Good morning Jojo. How did you sleep?" I reply with a grone and said "Now I remember why I stopped drinking that stuff." Kelly hands me a glass of milk. "Thanks." I took a small sip it was chocolate milk. Kelly's the best.


Inspect Docks

Fill out paperwork

Kill squids

Fill out more paperwork

Kill more squids

Restock food pantry in restaurant

Fill out more paperwork

Kill squids

Clean up all that (god damn) ink

After I finished I went outside the pain in my head is still there but it was better than before. I did my inspections and filled out some paperwork of an incident report about a shipment of dirt spilled so some guys from Sips Co were giving hell to pay. One was wearing a plaid shirt jeans with ash gray skin and his employe had big beard and mustache was wearing leather armour. They came in and were not helping they were to busy yelling at me saying it was my fault. Now my whole schedule is messed up and my headache was back.

"Do you even know how much money I lost losing that shipment!?" Sips said angrily

"What you mean that decoy dirt you were shipping so if someone does steal which no one will they will just get fake dirt."

"Hey don't talk to Sips like that!" Sjin spat, as I was glaring at him while my eyes turned into a piercing gold giving the appearance like I can see into his soul, you can tell he's becoming really uneasy and slightly squirming under my glare trying his hardest trying to get me to stop. After what felt like an eternity to him which was only a couple of seconds.

"What kind of sorcery is this?!" Sips yelled in response, I switch my glare to him, I could hear Sjin sigh in relief.

"That trick doesn't work on me sweet cheeks." He said before I was about to reply there was a large explosion. " What the hell was that Sjin?!" "I don't know Sips!" "We'll finish this discussion later." I said getting up and leaving to find out where the explosion were coming from.

Noah POV

Through course of the night I had many dreams and thoughts of what they told me in the end. Since one of my parents souls in my bow was taken from my death to bring me back that means i only have two more lives. My father's, and mine. I cannot afford to lose anymore. I need to become stronger. I can't be defeated again. As Noah walked down the stairs to find wither and jojo talking about their plans for the day. "I'm going on a trip to train" Said Noah. "Why? We had plans to go kill squids today, isn't that enough for training?" Asked jojo. "I need to gain control of my new power and master them for battles to come". "This was my mother's power in the bow and it has been passed down to me. My mother was always so weak and fragile so i can't imagine she mastered her power before passing". "I need to reveal the true power of my mother's ability." Noah Said as he gathered his supplies. "Let him go Jojo, If he gets into a predicament i'll give him a hand. You can take down the squids by yourself if needed". "Finnnneeee" Jojo replied with sarcasm. "Good, i'm off then. I will be back in a week's time". As Noah set off on his adventure in the world he just arrived in he waved to Jojo and wither as he activated his new ability and sprinted off into the forest but he had no idea what would go on in his time away...  

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