That Night: A Card Game

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  Poker group: all the pirates (Jock Fireblast, Isabel Peculier, Angus Eyeless, Grimjaw Slugface, Pirate Tinman, Spacker LeChuck),Um_Bongo, Daisy's Father Mr. Duke, Shiplord Hubert and two of his friends  

Jojo POV

Well Wither and Noah couldn't come on a better day. It's Poker Night! The poker group all come once a week for poker. Everyone gathered at the table. Kelly (she never drinks and helps clean up and putting people in the inn or bedrooms) handed out drinks except Noah (he either got milk or water) and Kyle (and he drinks until he's wasted) made drinks and believe it or not Angus is the card handler. He may not look like much but he is the best card shuffle out of all of us. Noah watched the first round then joined in I don't know when. Wither was in the corner of the room.Bets: Jock has a big treasure chest, Isabel and Tin Man had 64 gold blocks but is betting 15, Grimjaw 15 diamonds and golden apples, Spackles had his private collection of rare jewels that can only be found in dwarven mines and music discs, Jojo won't let Um_Bongo bet because he doesn't know how to play, Mr.Duke brought three of his finest blades, Shiplords are mostly going after the me because think a ship should stay in the sea not the air. I was thinking about my very rare stash. I did an evil chuckle everyone basically shut up and looked at me.Everyone (except Noah and Wither) started smirking that laugh on poker night means a very good bet last time it was 15 Lucky Potion which Grimjaw won and before that was two pair of complete diamond armour won by no other than Mr.Duke.

"What's the bet?" One of the Shiplord's said with a side smirk

"Seven barrels of my best brews." I said

"Jojo we had enough of your potions"

I did another dark chuckle "Not that type of brew. Let me get it. It's in the seller." right before I left Kelly asked "We have a seller?"

"I made it before your grandparents were born. Oh one more thing Spackles I need your help."


So I took Spackles to my private seller down to my hidden stash of dwarven beer not just any kind of dwarven beer they stopped making this specific brand over 150 years ago.


(I later found out everyone heard it from two floors up.) I had over 100 barrel of rare dwarven. We brought up eight barrels. I opened the extra one so they get a taste test to know I mean business. During the first game Isabel was to my left and Wither was to my right. I looked around and notice a small PORTAL UNDER THE TABLE HE WAS CHEATING!!! The portal showed the cards of the other players! I smacked him in the back of the head. He looked at me in surprise then I said "You're ban for the night." After that Angus took his cards he sat there for the rest of the game. The Shiplords won the beer, I won the swords, Isabel won the jewels, Tin Man won ALL the gold and golden apples, everyone else got a couple of music discs. We played for a long time and had a lot to drink. And last thing I remember was fall asleep at the table...

Noah POV

Noah still had little knowledge to what was going on. He went from archery practice to playing a game of poker with some strangers that he has never met before in the span of a few hours. About halfway through the poker night I finally got up and said something. "I need to get some fresh air, something doesn't feel right." As Noah was climbing up the stairs to head outside he seen a map of the area and decided to check it out. "whoa this area looks strangely familiar, it looks like the kingdom but natural, like it never existed." At this time noah just thought he traveled to another area in the world. As Noah stared off to the dark horizon he didn't realize the time that past. Suddenly jojo appeared in the doorway behind him. "I know you are wondering all about what happened today." "yea," Noah Replied. "this area looks similar to the area where I lived before I ran into wither, but the kingdom is gone." "That's because this is 150 years in the past from your time," "your grandparents haven't even been born yet." Noah just standing there in shock took a step back closer to the ledge. "what do you mean we are in the past, I belong in the future." "Noah your destiny has brought you to the past to do something important that not even I know of right now, your destiny is going to be decided on which path you take and who you aim your arrow at." "how can I trust you when I just met you a few hours ago and you have been drinking, hell how do you even know my name if I'm from the future?" "I can't answer those questions all I can say is I have special powers that I don't even have control of at times." Jojo replied. Suddenly Noah's bow started to give off an aura that seemed as symbol. "What's this? my bow is trying to tell me something." "It's revealing your destiny path Noah, you choose your destiny for now on, I can't stop you." Jojo walked back inside. as Jojo closed the door behind her Noah heard a faint voice that sounded like his mother... " Noah, follow the path if you want to make your destiny come true." off in the dark distance noah seen a dim light with a staircase in the side of the mountain near by. Noah stood up on the ledge and looked down at the water and sighed. "guess I gotta go through some pain to reach the top. As Noah jumped off Wither bursted through the door and yelled "WAIT I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING" but it was to late, Noah was already running off in his cloak to the dim light. "Shit, I need to stop him before he alters the past."

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