Seeing New Faces

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Wither POV

As the door opens Noah and I see Lysander, Honeydew, and Xephos walk in. Noah looks at me and says, "You certainly weren't kidding when you said we would be seeing some familiar people, I just didn't think it would be the legendary heroes." I look over at them, as I do the three wave at us and we wave back. Honeydew walks over to us and he sticks out his hand. I stand up and grab shake his hand. He smiles, "Well well well, didn't think I would see the man who almost crushed me again hahaha!" I laugh with him and I lean back on the wall, "How have you been old friend? It's been awhile since I've seen you too!" He sits down in the booth with Noah who is sitting there with his mouth open. Honeydew itches himself, "I've been faring well, the yogcave was destroyed by some pale faced man, named Israphel. Ever since we built that nether portal things have been strange in the world of minecraftia." I stand up more, "Wait, did he have red eyes?" Honeydew nods. I quickly sit down next to him, "This man is very powerful, he must be the mysterious figure I fought back when the tower we lived in was invaded!" Honeydew leans forward with a shocked look, "Wait so that's what we saw burning on our way to Mistral? We could see the smoke and everything from the yogcave when we crashed!" Noah finally closes his mouth and says, "Looks like we're going to have to join together to fight off this threat." Honeydew smiles and grabs his diamond pickaxe and says, "I thought you weren't going to say it but you did, alright we'll help you!" Noah and I go to high five each other but we ended up slapping each other in the face, while Honeydew is laughing on the floor. Then Lysander comes over to us, "Alright gentlemen, I hate to be a.... "Party pooper" but we must continue the tour. Would you all like to tag alone?" Noah and I look at each other while Honeydew gets up then we both say in perfect unison, "YES!" Everyone then set out with Lysander, well besides Granny she kinda can't.

Jojo POV

Lysander, Honeydew, and Xephos came in. "Hey guys I didn't know you were in town." I said in a cheerful voice putting my ice pack down. "What on earth happen to you?" Xephos "Oh don't worry about it. I just got into a little fight. Oh and by the way that little cult," their expression darken well Xephos and Honeydew did while Lysander looked confused, "stop by at Seaport before heading to the Yogcave." I said in a cheerful voice "So in other words Seaport gone." I said in a blank expression my blue eyes flicker gold in anoice then back to blue. "Oh enough talk that's go back to a cheerful topic." Granny said then spotted Honeydew. When that's just say I left with Xephos and Lysander. "Anyways I don't think we've met. I am Skylord Lysander proud member of the Skylord community." I rolled my eyes and slightly chuckled slightly he looked at me in confusion "Well Skylord Lysander I am Skylord Jojo." "MORE LIKE SKYBITCH!" someone yelled from a distance "YOU FUCKIN BASTARD I THOUGHT TOLD YOU TO GET YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE!" an angry Jasper yelled chasing them out of town... again. "Anyways..." I said before he could say anything else I hand him my papers. He looks them over and is surprised to see his grandfather's signature and it dates back 150 years ago. He looked back up back up at you and was about to talk but I cut him off. "Yes it's signed by your grandfather and yes I'm well aware it also dates back 150 years ago. Jasper had the same reaction. And who do you thinks builds all the Skylord's ship and if I remember correctly you got The Celaeno." He was in utter shock but quickly got out of it and handed me my papers back right as a rock was flying towards Xephos but I caught it before contact. I look at the person who threw it and tossed it up and down a couple of times my eyes were a very bold and glowing gold thinking weather if I should throw it back or not. They clearly got the hint and ran as fast as they can while that happen Xephos told Lysander the story of how they met me. Honeydew, Noah, Kyle, Kelly and Wither all came out. Lysander continued the rest of the tour.

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