When the Real Steve Comes to Visit

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Wither POV

I was sitting outside in a tree lying in the shade, when I saw a old friend walking along the paths. I snag his attention by throwing a skull into the air and he waves hello then comes over to see me. "Wither my old friend it's been quite some time since I saw you!" Wither then jumps down from his tree and hugs Steve. They both sit down on nearby tree stumps, Wither asks, "Steve what on earth are you doing around here? I'm surprised to see you here." Steve replies, "Well you know how I love wondering around the infinite world we live in! I never really stay in one place for long periods of time unless it's necessary." But their conversation was cut short since Steve got up and went into the building. He always wanders off and cuts our conversation short, but it's Steve so it's ok.

Jojo POV

I was untangling a fishing net with Josh (the fisherman who owns the net) when Steve came up to me. "Hey Jojo ong time no see." Steve said in a cheerful voice. "Hey Steve glad your feeling better." I said and he gave me a puzzled look. "What do you mean?" Steve said in confusion while Josh doesn't know what's happening and stays quiet and watches. "Kyle said Kelly brought you home saying you're badly injured. Wait that wasn't you?" "I just got here from Mistral." "Then who-" I turned pale and so did Steve "You don't think?" And as right on cue you felt an intense energy that you felt like it was waking up and Steve felt it too. "Shit. Kelly! I'll finish up you latter Josh but I got to go." We run to the room the 'Steve' or Herobrine was in. I'm not scared of him just the people who might provoke him into doing what he is famous for doing. As we entered the room I went I first than Steve. Yep it's Herobrine and he was sitting up in the bed. While Kyle and Kelly were also in here and slightly scared once they didn't know that he wasn't Steve until he open his eyes but they calmed down a bit once I entered the room so Kyle being a protective brother he is was shielding Kelly with one arm in front of her on the other side of the room from the bed. The room was tensed when and got worse when Steve entered the room.

"Hello uncle." Steve voice was dripping with venom. "Oh why do you always have to use that tone at to me dear nephew? You know it always breaks my heart." Hero said and in innocent voice and raising his hands over heart giving him a smirk. This boiled Steve's blood and it boiled even more when Hero's gaze went on Kelly and he smirk only this time he showed his pointy pearl white teeth she blushes. "You should know I can read minds and you have such lovely thoughts~" he purred Kelly somehow got redder and his smirk got wider. Before ANYTHING else could happen I barked "Kelly. Kyle. Shop. Now." Kyle grabbed his sister's arm and pulled her out and to the shop once they were gone. "Pervert!" Steve yelled "Hey I'm not the one who was thinking it." Hero said like he was innocent. "You didn't have to say ANYTHING YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" "What are you jealous that you're stuck with all your little villagers while women want me to make them want to scream my name-!" "BOTH OF YOU SHUT THE HELL UP! I know you two have family revelries but both of you better knock it off or I'm smacking both of you upside the head!" Steve shuts up immediately while Hero says "Ha I like to see you try-" with that I turned myself invisible, he was looking around wondering how i did it without a potion, while I walked up to he and smacked him HARD upside the head so hard his head flew into his lap then I appeared back to where I was next to Steve. Steve knows I don't hand out empty threats he has seen what I can do.

Then we heard an evil chuckle coming from Wither who was next the bed. "Where the Hell have you been you been you've been missing for two tho- mmph" Wither slapped his hand over Hero's mouth and glanced at Steve and I with a nervous look. "Wait you know Wither?" I asked. "Damn right I do! He's one of my generals" Hero said very annoyed while swatting Wither's hand away from his mouth. "How long has he been here?" he asked "About two months" I replied. "Is he one of your bitches Uncle?" "Steve!" I yelled. "SHUT UP!!! He's just an underling." Hero snapped. "Dude that's cold." I replayed. He turn to me his eyes started to gaves a smoky appearance. "SHUT UP! This doesn't concern you!" He snapped "Oh really well you're in my house and I would much appreciate if you don't start a war here and I want to stop one from starting so spill." "You will NEVER know what's it's like to be me!" "Try me." "Being called names a monster, everyone runs away from. Never giving you a chance. So I'll be the monster they always wanted me to be. If they treat me like a monster. I'll let them have one. Which caused my to be at war with my own brother-" When Hero was interrupted by the room darkened and I having an eerily evil chulck. My face darkened giving a peek into my insanity my eye were a brightly gold color almost glowing also admitting smoky look. "Big deal. You had and made your choice. I never had one. Forced to be in a stupid experiment that turned me into an Artificial Demigod just so I can be taken away from my family to be thrown on a altar for a stupid cult only to have my ass dragged here for the next 213 years of non-stop harassment from the nearby villages being called Angel of Death, Cannibalistic bitch, wicked bitchy witch, attention whore, power hungry slut, monster, animal, freak, The Skybitch, Lady of Monsters, Fuckin bitch, mutt, impure, mixed breed, and the list keeps getting bigger every single day. I'm never allowed to reveal my true ID, and never allowed to tell my family that I'M STILL ALIVE! Watching villagers frame me for shit I didn't do. They once framed me for the murder of five children that they didn't bother to look for because they were to busy harassing me while I was the only one looking for them and once they found the bodies the blamed me for it. I even created this whole goddamn place for social outcast or for people even children that are considered freaks that they tried to kill them off to 'end their suffering' or 'doing Notch a favor of making the land pure again'. I've lost friends that were like family to me because they went to those villages with me and they were sentenced to DEATH because of me! And I NEVER act on it because if I do I'm just giving them another reason to hate me more and proves their point. I basically created my own fucking prison. And those fuckin squids they're just- Ahh so don't give me your bullshit excuse of a story because I got enough in mine! And-" There was a knock at the door "Jojo I hate to interrupt but the squids are back with more Krakens." Kyle said trough the door. I took a deep sigh, "I'll be back and if the three of you get into a fight and destroy anything! I don't fucking care how powerful you guys are I'm kicking all your asses! YOU GOT IT?" At of shock and fear they all nod their heads and I leave muttering curses as I left to go take care of the squids. Once I closed the door I waited outside the door for a minute to calm down I could hear Herobrine on the other side say "Were we just threatened... by a Artificial Demigod?" I could hear yep from the others. I chuckled and left to take care of the squids. No one know on the other side of the wall listening were two Zombies(?). They both look at each other til one said "Report this to Master and tell him we might of found the lamb."

Wither POV

I decided to follow Steve into the tower and he went up to everyone and started saying hello to everyone. I followed him and everyone else upstairs and sat next to the bed Herobrine was laying in. Everyone was in there talking while I was laying back. Then I heard Herobrine say "Where the hell have you been you've been missing for two tho-" then i slapped my hand onto his mouth.Then JoJo asked "Wait you know Wither?" Luckily we prepared for this and he called me a general underling in his army, he didn't have to say that but whatever works I guess. Then there was a giant argument and it was all out of hand. After all that arguing she left by threatening us by saying she would kick our asses. Well no matter how much she tried I wouldn't feel a thing. I never knew she was a part of the Artificial Demigod project, it's been too long since I've walked the halls and have seen the horrors behind the doors. I remember the day when they brought in this one person, it was weird. She was so young and I always questioned the motives of these people. Now that I think about it JoJo looks just like her. I can't forget a face, and she has the same face. I can't ever forget the horrible screams when the dagger went through her. Being alive for centuries has it's ups and its downs. You don't ever unsee the horrible things that go on in this world.  

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