Herobrine's Warning

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Wither POV

I saw Herobrine with Kelly and I instantly knew that something wasn't right. As soon as I saw what he was doing to her I was about to jump in, but JoJo was already on the case. So I just sat there in the shadows where no one could see me. Next thing I saw, before my very eyes, Notch the one who made it all. They started talking about the legendary heros Honeydew and Xephos and Oceanic View, I've been there before, nothing but death is there (literally). Then notch said we have to leave soon. Considering I have nothing but my sword with me, I can help everyone else pack quickly so we can leave. I've actually been sensing this dark energy that I feel like has been stalking me. So I quickly run out of the room and as soon as I run out of the tower, I run straight into Noah. Rubbing his head he says, "Watch where you're going you scumbag that hurt! Why were you running that fast anyways?" Wither pulls him up and he tells him, "Ok i'm gonna make this short and sweet, Notch showed up, bad guys, and we gotta leave because Notch said so." Noah takes a double take, "Wait Notch is here? Bad guys? Shouldn't we stay in fight?" Wither replies with a serious look on his face, "We can't just fight we have to evacuate the tower first, we have innocent lives that come first before we fight. If it comes down to it we both know we can fend them off. I can't answer anymore questions so we gotta go!" Noah nods and they head toward everyone to help the evacuation begin.

Steve POV

I can't believed Uncle did that but this isn't the first time he did it also he doesn't do that often. He likes to toy with people's feelings through fear or... well I don't want to talk about it. Anyways he's probably going to toy with Kelly use her then once he gets bored he'll leave her. Like the others. Well at least Jojo will watch out for Kelly and... oh boy umm... it appears they are fighting now. How I know is because I can sense a really pissed of Jojo (she can control her powers and tries not to depend on them but when she's really pissed off she not afraid to show it which is very rare, normally she doesn't act or walks away). This is the strongest I've ever sense then it just stopped in a second but I know she's probably toying with him now knowing her. Then my uncle is slightly angry and getting more frustrated by the second. He must have did something to make Jojo do this... *deep sigh* probably something to do with Kelly. I must report this to father. He's not going to be happy about this.

Kelly POV

I was on my way to the hidden garden when I was pinned to a tree. It was Herobrine. He used his left hand to pin my hands above my head and right hands to gently glazing my side as he was smirking showing me his teeth again. I was terrified for one and I'm alone with nobody nearby to help and two Herobrine might do something which I know might do. He was also 7ft tall or 2.1m and I'm 5ft 3ins or 1.6m. Then he start to talk "You know I haven't thanked you yet. And I could make that thought from earlier come true~" he purred into my ear. "And there's no one around to bother us." He nipped at my ear. Then he looked confused and pulled his head slightly back like he's trying to figure out something he started to turn his head to the right when BAM!!!

Jojo POV

I was following Kelly because a powerful energy or Herobrine was following her. He can't sense me when I'm not using my powers. Now his pinning her to a tree and NIPPED HER FUCKING EAR! I must have gotten mad because now it looks like he can sense my powers. So I jumped on a trunk of a tree and launched myself towards them right as he starts to turn his head my fist made contact with his face. Kelly was in shock but I don't blame her. I looked at her and twitched my head singling her to leave she nodded and quickly left. I got most of my anger in that punch. I looked back at him and he tried to do the same thing. I just twisted my body so he'll miss and it was like slowmo as he's passing he looking me in the eyes a slightly glowing gold, he looked surprised and shock that I dodged him, and I was giving him a blank unimpressed expression. This goes on for about ten more minutes. Mostly me dodging he is more and more tired and frustrated while I haven't broken a sweat. I got distracted when I sensed Steve and someone else they are the same level of power Herobrine maybe even stronger... OH SHIT IT'S HIM! I was to caught up in my thoughts when I got pinned to a tree my back facing him my right arm is behind my back while pushing head into the tree. "I think you forgot something." I blankly stated. "What the hell are you talking about-" He finally sensed them. While he was distracted I used my foot and hooked his foot and used my left arm to to push off the tree. He fall back and landed on his ass while I did a backflip over him to get about seven to eight blocks away and stayed there and looked at the power sources I was correct Steve and him... Notch himself. Notch despises Artificial Demigods after the first one was created because he believes the people who get the powers doesn't deserve the power and must be taken care of before the cause a problem but in Jojo's case he knew her father and has been a family friend for four generations and gave her a chance once she created Seaport and made it the third most important port in the world and protects it he let it slide... for now. Back to the story so in a small clearing Notch, Steve, Herobrine, and Jojo talked for a bit. "I'm only going to say this once. You earned my respect kid. And because of that and we know your connection to a Player or your IRL version so you'll understand this next part. They're heading to the Yogcave and Seaport"s in the way." Hero said. "Jojo the Sword of the Fallen has been sent to Kenrick. Do you know where to find it?" Notch asked. "Yes I've done busy business in Ocean View before." He raised an eyebrow in concern look in his eye "They are my second largest demand for Fire Resistances potions." I added. "I see. Well we must get going this is goodbye for now." with that they left. Jojo went back to Seaport and told everyone to pack up and evacuate and we're not coming back. Once everyone got there stuff and left Jojo stayed behind to buy them some more time so everyone can get as far as they can. The fight will start in the next chapter.  

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