Hotel Time

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The team got back to their hotel and the coaches pulled Heather (HAO) aside and told her to pack up all of Becky's stuff and they handed her Becky's stuff from practice so she could pack it for her. HAO cried as soon as she got back to her room.

But nobody was more upset than the department of defense. Ali, JJ, Kling and Hope were all very upset.

That night at dinner it was very quiet until Jill got a phone call. They all looked at the head coach and waited until she hung up and all asked " what was it?!" " Becky is coming home!" They all screamed and we're happy until Dawn asked "how she was supposed to be moved to another hospital?" "We reasoned with them to let her stay for the rest of camp and be able to be on the sidelines during the game against Costa Rica in 2 days!" They all smiled.

End of a very badly written chapter

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