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Becky had ended up dozing off and HAO didn't want to wake her but she did and she shook her gently and said quietly even though they were the only ones on the bus and said "Reba you gotta get up sweetie." Becky opened her eyes and HAO smiled and said "practice time kiddo." She got Becky up and helped her with her crutches and they got off the bus. Jill smiled and allowed HAO the join late into the drills. Becky crutched to the bench and sat down and shakily got her shoes off and grabbed her boots and slipped them on and placed her Adidas in her bag next to HAO's. Jill noticed this and jogged over and asked "you good?" Becky nodded and stood with her crutches and got situated and rolled up her sleeves. She smiled saying "now I am." She crutches over and found a ball and juggled as she was bored. Finally Jill concluded the drills and asked "how would ya'll like it if Becky joined in with this little activity? Becky could crutch and do passes. Not full on stuff but fun still." Everyone cheered and Becky smiled and they had her oxygen near by. HAO smiled and said "you're on my team Becks." Becky nodded and got into her spot. She was given a "captain's" band and she got her sleeves ready. The whistle blew and the game began.

End of chapter

Cancer:  A Becky Sauerbrunn fanficWhere stories live. Discover now