Back with the team

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Becky was going to be back with the team. She was ready but nervous. She was now on several medications. She also had to release a statement on the cancer. She hated it. She absolutely hated it.

When she woke up she heard her hospital room door open and Dawn and Jill walked in and Jill carried a bag and a wheelchair was being pushed in. Jill said " Good Morning Becky how are you feeling?" Becky replied "as well as a cancer patient soccer player should feel." So they helped her sit up and she went and got dressed and did her hygiene and they signed her out. She was shaking a little bit as she sat in the wheelchair so Jill kissed her head and rubbed her shoulder and wheeled her while Dawn walked beside her. Becky coughed slightly and they would have her on oxygen still while at the hotel and on the plane ride home where she would be with her boyfriend Zola Short. They got her to the van and got her in and buckled and Jill soothed her and soon Becky dozed off her head falling to her chest.

At the hotel

Becky slept the whole rest of the ride there until Jill gently shook her and told her "we are about to be at the hotel Becky so you better wake up." Becky nodded and they arrived at the hotel and they got the defender out of the car and into her wheelchair. Press (not christen like paparazzi) saw this and started taking pictures and Becky was wheeled in faster.  With Jill saying "a press conference will be held once she is settled. Let her rest please and see the team." Becky was brought in and the team was at breakfast still. They ran over and Becky was beginning to feel overwhelmed and her fellow captain Carli Lloyd saw this and helped her by telling the team to shut up and go back to breakfast and let Becky eat and relax. So Jill passed Becky over to Alyssa Naeher while Dawn made sure that Becky has the right food for the cancer. She needed to eat healthier and specialized diet. Becky was upset about it. She usually had a nice omelet every morning for breakfast and she knew that she couldn't do that anymore. She said to Alyssa "How has the team been?" Alyssa quietly replied her answer and Becky asked the goalie to say it again so Alyssa replied "not good Reba." Becky rubbed her hand and felt Alyssa's shaking hand and asked "How are you 'Lyssa?" Alyssa replied "I hate seeing you like this Becky I hate it so much you don't deserve this at all." Becky told her "it'll be okay really." She then ate her breakfast and made sure Alyssa was okay before HAO came over to take the defender to their room. Becky was feeling tired and in need of a nap so HAO took her to their room and got her in bed and to sleep. Dawn came over and brought and oxygen mask and gently placed it on the center backs face.

Becky slept for a few hours before they got ready for the press conference.

End of chapter

Sorry it took so long to get this out but it's summer so I might get stuff out faster.

Cancer:  A Becky Sauerbrunn fanficWhere stories live. Discover now