A confession

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Leon approached Makoto's desk about a week after seeing Mondo go into Makoto's room. Him and Makoto had spent quite a bit of time together since then, which was more because Leon felt the need to make sure no one else was in Makoto's room.
"Since when are you and Mondo all buddy-buddy?" Jealousy was apparent in his voice.
"U-uh.... What?" Makoto was confused.
"You guys always talk. Then he totally went into your room!"
"Oh... That... I was talking to him about something...." He blushed. Leon noticed the blush and felt even more jealous, thinking that Mondo caused that blush.
"Yeah. "Talking" right." He crossed his arms.
"What the hell? Fine. If you HAVE to know, I was talking to him about having a crush on YOU Leon! Happy? And since when do you care what I'm doing? Its not like you can't just busy yourself with someone else...." He got up and walked out of the classroom. He sniffled a little, wiping at his eyes. He was mad at himself for crying but couldn't help it. He went into his dorm and closed the door. Leon was standing, wide eyed. He felt pretty bad about what he said, and even all the times he blabbed on and on about girls, when this whole time, Makoto had a crush on him. "I'm such an ass....." He sighed and headed to Makotos room. He knocked on the door. After a long while, the door opened. Makoto peeked out, his eyes all red and teary. Leon melted in his spot, feeling even shittier.
"Hey.... Can I come in?" He asked gently. Makoto answered with a sniffle. He wiped his eyes as he opened the door all the way. Leon stepped in and closed the door. He instantly pulled Makoto into a tight hug. "Hey.... I'm sorry.... I didn't mean to be such an ass..... I feel all bad now.... Cuz this whole time you had a crush on me but I kept on talkin bout all these girls..... And then I got all mad when I saw you with Mondo... Truth is.... I was actually pretty jealous...." Makoto peeked up at him "y-you were? W-why?"
"Cuz.... I uh.... Guess I gotta crush on you too...." He blushed as he said it.
"R-really?! You do?!" He smiled hugely.
"Heh.... Yeah.... You're super cute ya know.... And uh.... Your personality is different..... For once, I don't wanna just fuck someone and leave... Heh... I think I could totally fall for ya!" Leon smiled dorkily. Makoto giggled "awww!!!! Yaaay!" Makoto exclaimed Leon laughed and kissed Makotos cheek.
"So cute...." This caused Makoto to giggle more.
"Hey, wanna chill together?"
"Yeah! Wanna watch a movie! We could watch a scary one!"
"Hell yeah! Then when ya get all scared, it gives me an excuse ta hold ya!" Leon smiled more. Makoto blushed a bunch
"O-okay!" He put "The Grudge" in and got under his blankets. Leon got in with him and slowly, and maybe a bit shyly, pulled makoto into his chest. Makoto's heart fluttered. He Nuzzled Leon's chest happily "mmmm....." He looked up at Leon. Leon was already looking at him. Makoto giggled and shyly kissed Leon's cheek.
"You're so cute...." Leon held him closer and tighter. Makoto giggled more and turned his attention to the TV. He jumped, squeaking loudly when there was a jumpscare in the movie.
"Awww..." Leon kissed his head softly, holding him closer. "You scared?" Makoto shook his head quickly
"Pshhhh noooooo! Heh heh! I dunno what you're talking about!" He squeaked and jumped again. Leon laughed and held him closer.
"Awww.... Want me to distract you?" He smirked slightly. Makoto blushed a bunch.
"Hm?" He looked up at Leon. When he did, he was met with soft lips against his own. His heart jumped in his chest. His eyes drifted shut slowly as he slowly kissed Leon back. "Mmmm....." Leon placed a hand on Makoto's cheek as he kissed him. Leon started to trail kisses along Makoto's jawline slowly.
"Mmmmm..... W-wait.... L-Leon.... Mmmmm...... W-what are yo- ah..." Leon had started nibbling at his neck. He trailed his hands down Makoto's body slowly. He sucked at the soft skin on Makoto's neck.
"A-ah... L-Leon... W-wait....."
"Hm?" He stopped and looked at Makoto.
"What's wrong?" He kissed Makoto's cheek softly
"I-Im not ready for that...." He blushed madly "I'm sorry!" He said to Leon
"Nah its cool! I understand! Just making a suggestion!" He smiled. Makoto smiled, relieved that he wasn't mad.
"U-uh.... M-maybe a-after a little while.... O-okay?" Makoto said shyly.
"Okay! No rush! Hey... If its worrying you, I'm not just gonna leave you after okay? I know it seems that way... Ya make me feel different than anyone else!" He smiled hugely at Makoto. Makoto smiled at him and pecked his lips softly. Leon smiled more at him.
"Oh uh... So are we like...." Makoto asked shyly.
"I was gettin ta that! Sooooo, Makoto! Wanna be my first actual boyfriend?" Leon asked happily.
"Yeah!" Makoto hugged him tightly "wait, your first actual boyfriend?" He asked Leon.
"Yeah... I mean I've fucked a few guys but.... I'm not really a relationship person... But I'll be good ta ya, promise!" He smiled genuinely at Makoto. Makoto couldn't help but smile back.

Ahogay~ Leon X Makoto (Yaoi Warning)Where stories live. Discover now