cute~ ^//u//^

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((There will prolly be a smexy scene near the end cuz I am a perv!))

"Waaaaaaake uuuuup baby!" Leon said happily, poking Makoto's cheek. Makoto stirred, but only slightly.
"Maaaaakoootoooo!" Leon tried again, squishing his cheek this time. Makoto only snuggled up close to Leon, not waking.
"Awww.... Stop bein cute..... Ya gotta wake uuuup! I have a surprise!" Leon kissed Makoto's cheek softly. Makoto rolled over stubbornly.
"God dammit Makoto..." Leon mumbled. He thought for a bit.
"Hmmm...... Time ta break out the heavy artillery...." He got up and turned on a radio he had, blasting "Like Chia I Shall Grow" by Say Anything, an American punk band. Poor Makoto jumped and fell out of bed with a squeak and a loud thump.
"Success!!!!" Leon laughed and turned it off.
"Oooooowww....." Makoto whined. Sitting up on the floor.
"Awww.... Ya okay?" Leon felt kinda bad.
"Why'd you do that....?" Makoto rubbed his head.
"Ya wouldn't wake up! So I had to!" Leon laughed. Makoto pouted at Leon.
"Meeeaaan.... It hurts....."
"Awww..... I'm sorry..." He bent down and scooped Makoto up and held him close. He kissed Makoto's head softly.
"Its okay...." Makoto said softly, nuzzling Leon's chest.
"Well the reason I wanted ya up so badly is cuz we have the day off of school today. So I have a surprise for ya!" Leon said excitedly.
"Hm? What surprise?" Makoto looked confused and excited.
"You'll see! Get all dressed and ready and shit." Leon set Makoto down. Makoto got ready and skipped back up to Leon.
"I'm excited to know what my surprise is now." He giggled happily. Leon smiled and pulled him out and onto the side walk. Leon scooped Makoto up.
"Close your eyes baby!" Leon said excitedly. Makoto did as instructed, burying his face in Leon's chest. After a while Leon set Makoto down.
"Open em now!" Leon grinned. Makoto opened his eyes, seeing that they were in front of a fair.
"Now we can have one of those super romantic dates and go on rides and watch the sun set together and shit!" Leon smiled dorkily at Makoto. Makoto squeed and hugged Leon tightly.
"This is so sweet..."
Leon hugged Makoto back tightly, laughing at his response.
"I love you makoto..." He said softly.
"I love you too Leon..."
"Let's go do shit!" Leon laced his fingers with Makoto's and pulled him into the fair. There were children running around and other couples hand-in-hand as well. Makoto smiled hugely as he looked around, his eyes sparkling.
"Whatcha wanna do first babe?" Leon asked. Makoto thought for a bit. "Hmm.... We should play some games! I'm determined to get one of those stuffed squids..." He eyed a giant purple squid up, hanging from one of the carni games. Leon laughed "alright!" He pulled Makoto to the game.
"Awww maaaan!!! Its a stupid throwing game..." Makoto pouted.
"I'm gonna faaaiiil!" Despair overtook him as he realized just how far his squid goal really was. This was what it meant to sink into despair... This squid.... Was the Ultimate Despair!
"Don't worry baby! I got his shit!" Leon exclaimed, marching up to the game. He handed the dude at the game money. A dollar for three tries.
"Hit all the jars down with one throw and you win the squid." The carni said, wearing the expression that showed everyone he spent his life on the couch watching soap operas and drinking beer.
"Got it." Leon took a ball, aimed, and threw a fastball, knocking all the jars down with ease. The carni now wore an expression that he probably got fired from burger king before beginning his soap opera binging period. He begrudgingly gave Leon the purple squid. Makoto squeed loudly as Leon handed it to him, smiling lovingly down at him.
"Happy baby?"
"Eeee!!! Yes!!! Thank youuuu!!!" He placed the squid down to hug Leon tightly. Leon smiled more and hugged him back
"Awww... No problem baby!" Makoto then picked his squid up. The squid was much larger than Makoto was, over taking him.
"Holy shit that's a big ass squid!" Leon laughed as he said it. Makoto giggled
"Yes, yes it is." He hugged the shit out of that squid. He then tucked it under his arm and reached for Leon's hand again. Leon laced his fingers with Makoto's happily.
"What should we do now?" He asked Leon.
"I feel like stuffin my face." Leon exclaimed. Makoto giggled.
"Mmkay." His own stomach growled. Leon pulled him to a burger stand and ordered them burgers, fries, and sodas. They sat down on a bench and began eating. Leon was actually eating his damn burger the right way!
"I'm having a lot of fun..." Makoto said happily "And we only just got here!" Leon smiled at Makoto's words.
"Yeah! I like doin shit like this with ya... Ya know.... Ya really make me feel different.... Like... I've had crushes and shit and liked some of the people I was with... But I love ya Makoto... A lot... You're different... You're fuckin adorable.... Super sweet.... And your personality is amazin... Ya did a good ass job at makin me fall for ya! I'm head-over-heals!" He blushed, smiling dorkily. Makoto blushed a bunch, his heart skipping a beat.
"Awww..... Leon...." He leaned toward Leon slowly. Leon smiled and leaned in as well. Makoto closed the distance, placing his lips on Leon's. Their eyes drifted shut as the two started to kiss softly. Makoto moved closer to Leon, placing his hands on Leon's cheeks as he kissed him. Leon slid his arms around Makoto's waist, pulling him closer. The two began to kiss passionately. Makoto slid his fingers into Leon's hair as Leon made the kiss more heated.
"Mmmmm....." Was makoto's response. Suddenly, someone plopped beside them on the bench. Makoto jumped and pulled back quickly. The two were breathing a bit heavily. Makoto looked at the person beside them. It was some fat kid with a lollipop. The kid stared at them intently. Makoto felt mildly uncomfortable while Leon felt extremely irritated since their moment was interrupted so abruptly. "H-hey, that was kinda rude..." Makoto mused to the the kid. The kid licked his lollipop.
"Are you two together?" The kid asked, clearly giving not a single fuck. There was not a single fuck in the bag to give today. Makoto looked at Leon, then back at the kid.
"Uhh.... Y-yeah...?" He felt increasingly uncomfortable.
"But aren't you two guys?" The kid licked his lollipop again.
"Yeah, and who gives a flyin fuck?" Leon snapped, clearly irritated.
"Leon... He's just a kid..."
"He's actin like a brat..." Leon grumbled.
"I'm thirteen." The kid added. Just imagine that fat kid who said "do the roar" in Shrek the Final Chapter but as a thirteen year old kid.
"That's great kid." Leon grumbled. Makoto sipped his soda awkwardly.
"So can you two even fuck?" The kid asked blankly. Makoto coughed on his soda abruptly. Leon glared.
"What the fuck?!"
Makoto couldn't respond while dying on his soda.
"So do you just shove it up his ass?" The kid asked Leon. Makoto was almost dead. Leon gave the kid a look of utter disbelief.
"What the fuck is wrong with ya?"
"It was an honest question." The kid responded. Leon scooped Makoto up and grabbed his squid, carrying him away. The kid followed.
"Who tops? Who lasts longer? Gets kinkier? Is he loud? I bet he's loud. He's probably bottom too. Do you still use condoms with guys? Or do you just cum in his ass? Does he dress like a girl while you do it? I bet he does. Do you let him do you? Is fingering still hot with guys? Do you finger him? Gay sex is weird." The kid hadn't shut up. Leon turned around, looking pissed "fuck off already ya little creep! Jesus Christ!" The kid stared at Leon blankly, licking his lollipop. He didn't budge. Leon groaned in frustration and turned away, continuing to walk. "Let's just ignore him..." Makoto said to Leon.
"I'll try..." He pecked Makoto's lips softly.
"Where to next baby? Want cotton candy?"
"Oooo!!! Yeah!" Makoto said excitedly. Leon smiled and carried him to a person selling cotton candy. He set Makoto down so he could buy some. Makoto waited excitedly.
"I want some." The kid said.
"Tough shit." Leon responded.
"Leon..." Makoto said.
"Sorry..." Leon grumbled. He handed Makoto the cotton candy.
"Thank you baby!" He smiled at Leon, who was unable to keep from smiling back. Makoto took a bite of cotton candy before holding it up for Leon. Leon took a bite before kissing Makoto's cheek.
"Where do ya wanna go now baby?" Leon asked.
"Can we go look at the stuff they're selling?" Makoto asked.
"Yeah!" He pulled Makoto to the venders. They began to look around with the fat kid trailing behind them. They held each others hands tightly, walking close to each other. Makoto leaned his head on Leon's arm, smiling happily.
"Hey babe, we should get dog tags (like the one on the necklace chain, not like an actual collar cuz no) like the one I got and get each others names on em!" Leon said happily.
"Awwww!!! Okay!!" He smiled, loving how lovey Leon was toward him. Leon went up to the the person and told him what he wanted while Makoto stood with this fat kid next to him.
"Does it feel good when you take it up the ass? Are you loud? How often do you have sex? You honestly look like a bottom bitch." The kid started as soon as Leon had gone out of earshot. Makoto groaned, blushing at the questions.
"These things are none of your business...." He mused. The kid shrugged and licked his lollipop. Makoto looked at the ground, sighing, wishing that him and Leon could be alone like they were when they had first arrived. Now he was even nervous to just kiss Leon let alone have things get intimate if this stupid kid kept following along.
"You're too small and skinny, how does he not break you when he tries having sex with you? You're too small and innocent looking I think. and you're not that attractive. Boring actually." Makoto felt self conscious now, looking down at himself, wondering if he really was that bad looking. Leon walked back over, grinning. His smile faded when he saw Makoto, looking down.
"You alright baby? What's wrong?" He lifted Makoto's face up gently to look at him.
"Apparently I'm boring and unattractive...."
"Huh?" Leon shot the kid a glare before looking at Makoto, his expression softening. He gently clasped makoto's dog tag with his name on it, around makoto's neck.
"Well I think you're perfect..." He kissed Makoto's cheek softly. Makoto looked up at Leon, smiling at him lovingly.
"Awww...... Thank you..."
"No problem baby! I mean it!" Leon smiled hugely, and put his own dog tag on with Makoto's name on it. He took Leon's hand again. They looked around for hours and hours, joking around with eachother. Leon had tried countless times to kiss Makoto but was interrupted some how by the fat kid. Leon was getting fed up with it while Makoto was just doing his best to ignore it. Eventually, sunset approached.
"Hey, we should go on that ferris wheel together to see everythin baby!" Leon said happily.
"Okaaay!!!!" Makoto smiled hugely. The fat kid was left out.
"Haha! Bye asshole!" Leon called as the two got on the ferris wheel.
"Baby.... Hes only a kid..."
"He's been drivin me crazy! Ya know, I've been tryin ta kiss ya all damn day and the little fucker won't let me!" Leon exclaimed.
"Awww.... Well hopefully he'll be gone now!" Makoto sat beside Leon on the ferris wheel, moving close. It started to turn slowly, taking them up higher
"You know... Today was still amazing...." Makoto said softly. Leon smiled more
"Yeah..." They were now at the top, having a full view of the sunset.
"Wow.... Its beautiful...." Makoto said.
"Yeah..." But Leon was looking at Makoto, not the sunset. Makoto looked at Leon, smiling at him lovingly. Leon was moving closer, slowly. Makoto moved closer as well. Leon placed his lips gently on Makoto's. They closed their eyes, hearts fluttering. Leon kissed Makoto sweetly, holding him close. Their lips moved softly and perfectly with one another as they kissed.
"Mmmm...." Makoto scooted into Leon's lap to be closer. Leon wrapped his arms around Makoto's waist, holding him closer. The ferris wheel kept moving as they kissed. Leon finally pulled away but only because the ride had come to a stop. The two felt high on love as they stepped out, pleased to find that the fat kid had left. They walked hand in hand again.
"I love you Makoto...."
"I love you too Leon...." They both gazed at each other.
"Oh and there's fireworks by the way..." Leon said, smiling.
"Awww! It's gonna be all romantic!" Makoto squeed. Leon laughed and pulled Makoto to the distant field that everyone was filing to. It was quite far from the fair to keep the lights of the fair from interfering with the firework show. The two sat down a good distance from everyone else. They laid down on a blanket that Leon had bought from one of the venders beforehand. They still held hands as they looked up into the sky, their heads leaned against each other. The sun slipped below the horizon. After a moment's pause, a firework went off. The two smiled and watched as the show began. There were all different loud bursts of vibrant colors. It was a beautiful show. Eventually, Leon grew distracted with Makoto, looking at him instead of the fireworks.
"Hey baby?"
"Hm?" Makoto turned to look at Leon and was met with a pair of soft lips. He smiled against them and started to kiss them.
"Mmmm...." He moved closer to Leon, closing his eyes. Leon closed his own and kissed Makoto deeply and passionately, sliding his fingers into his hair. The grand finale of the fireworks show was now taking place. Leon slid his hand to Makoto's cheek, then his shoulder, then his arm and down his side, then to his hip.
"Mmmmm....." Makoto smiled. Leon made the kiss more heated, sliding his hand to Makoto's butt slowly. Makoto giggled into the kiss. The kiss slowly grew more and more heated. The fireworks had ended and people began to get up and leave. Makoto and Leon were still lip- locked on the blanket. Leon slid his tongue along Makoto's bottom lip, causing him to moan softly and part his lips. Leon slid his tongue slowly into Makoto's mouth. He ran his tongue against Makoto's, earning himself another moan. He began to roam Makoto's mouth. After a while, the two were alone in this large field, their only light source was the moon and the stars.
Leon eventually pulled back, the two of them breathing heavily. Leon crawled over Makoto slowly.
"I just got the most awesome idea...." Leon said. Makoto giggled and wrapped his arms around Leon's neck.
"Lemme guess, sex under the stars?" Makoto giggled as he said it
"Ya got it!" Leon laughed.
"Sounds all romantic..." Makoto giggled. Leon smiled down at him lovingly.
"And we're aaaall alone...."
"Hehe! Yeah.... Mmm...." Makoto leaned up and pulled off his blazer, then his hoodie.
"Hell yes!" Leon seemed all excited. He reached down and lifted Makoto's shirt off for him. Makoto smiled more and pulled Leon's jacket off slowly, then lifted his shirt off. Leon slowly reached down and undid Makoto's jeans while Makoto kicked his shoes off. Makoto reached down and unbuckled Leon's belt and undid his jeans. The two of them took their pants off, both left in their underwear. Makoto blushed as Leon slid his boxers down and off before letting Makoto pull off his underwear.
The pale moonlight shone on their skin.
"You look so beautiful...." Leon found himself saying. Makoto blushed more, smiling up at Leon. Leon leaned down and kissed softly at Makoto's neck, sliding his hands gently up the insides of Makoto's thighs.
"Aah.... Leon..." Makoto smiled more and slowly opened his legs. Leon moved his body in between them slowly. He nipped and sucked at Makoto's soft skin as he slowly positioned himself. Makoto took a deep breath, smiling more.
"Ready baby?" Leon asked against Makoto's skin.
"Mmmm..... Yeah...." He held onto Leon's body tightly. Leon smiled more and slowly slid into Makoto.
"Aaaaaah..... Leeeon...." His moans were soft.
"Makoto....." Leon slowly began to roll his hips into Makoto.
"Aah.... Leon! Mmm...." His eyelids fluttered shut.
"Baby... Ah.... Makoto..." He kept it slow and gentle, placing soft, loving kissed along Makoto's neck.
"Aaaah..... Leon... Haaah....."
"Makoto.... Aah.... Baby...." He kept it gentle a while longer before he began to thrust into Makoto.
"Aah!!! Leon!!! A-ah!" Makoto held more tightly to Leon, his heart racing. Leon smiled more and thrusted more roughly into Makoto, his hands roaming Makoto's body.
"AAH!! LEON!! HAH!!!"
"Makoto!! Ah! Fuck..." The two began to pant as Leon grew rougher and rougher with his thrusting. Leon aimed for Makoto's g-spot.
"AAAAH!!!!!! RIGHT THERE!!!!!" Makoto screamed once Leon hit it. Leon hit that spot repeatedly, growing rougher and rougher until they both came hard.
"MAKOTO!!!" Leon thrusted a few more times before pulling out of Makoto. He laid beside Makoto, the two holding each other close.
"That was.... Amazing...." Makoto panted.
"Yeah.... Always is with you..." Makoto said softly. Makoto's heart fluttered in his chest.
After a while of cuddling, the two got dressed and began to walk back to school, in the dark. Makoto shivered in the cool night air.
"Cold baby?"
"Yeah..." Makoto responded.
"Wanna wear my jacket?" Leon asked.
"You sure?"
"Yeah!" Leon took off his jacket and draped it over Makoto's shoulders. Makoto put his arms in it the best he could while holding his giant squid plushie. Leon laughed and took Makoto's hand once he was done struggling.
"Ya look adorable in my jacket baby..." Leon said lovingly. Makoto giggled, his cheeks flushed.
"Its warm...."
The two made it back to Leon's dorm, happy with the day's events and feeling absolutely in love with each other. Makoto placed his squid against the wall and laid in bed with Leon, snuggling close to him, still wearing his jacket. Leon turned out the light and held Makoto close.
"I love you so much Makoto.... I really do...."
"I love you too Leon.... So much.... Thank you for everything.... That was an amazing surprise..." He played idly with the dog tag inscribed with Leon's name.
"You're welcome baby... It means everything that I could make you so happy..." He kissed Makoto's head softly.
"Awww.... You make me so happy Leon...."
"Mmm.... So do you Makoto....." And with that, the two drifted into a sweet sleep, all cuddled up close.

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