The Investigation~

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 Once the bear had disappeared to god knows where, the group quickly made it back to the scene. They were prepared to do whatever needed to be done to sort the hell they were now in, out. Makoto felt even more nervous than before, knowing he would have to work harder than all others to make sure that Leon's name remained clear. He felt wrong for leading everyone on, but he knew something must be done. He could not bare another life to be taken. Makoto joined Kirigiri in the endeavors to come. Kirigiri began to examine the body.

"Hmmmm....." She was concentrating so hard that Makoto didn't dare speak and interrupt it. 

"Makoto. Examine the room, leave nothing out when you report back to me. understood?"

"Yes!" He left the bathroom and began to examine the main room. He noted that the floor was immaculately clean. He figured this could be for any reason. He noted fa lint roller which had been almost completely used up. He figured he should bring it up anyway, not wanting to leave anything out. After all, how could a lint ruler lead to the culprit? He noted that there was definitely a struggle, as there were broken items throughout the room. He hoped with all that he was that Leon's story was true and that he had only been defending himself. Could it be possible that Leon's intentions weren't innocent in the slightest? No. That couldn't be possible. He shook the thoughts of doubt away and began to search the room for more evidence that he might have to cover up. He found nothing that he felt was notable to he went back into the bathroom.

"Maybe I'm not good at this? I could hardly find anything... All I know is that there was definitely a struggle... The room is a mess... But I'm sure anyone could've figured that out when they walked into the room..." Makoto mused.

"Alright.. You can have a turn with the body. I'll search the room. I'm positive that you've missed something." She headed off to the main room. Makoto quickly began to search the body. His heart nearly stopped when he noticed numbers written behind Sayaka in her own blood. He stared at it for a good five minutes, thinking of what it could possibly mean. It then hit him like a brick. He quickly smeared Leon's name away with his hand before washing the blood off.

"Naegi, what are you doing?" Kirigiri called when she heard the water running.

"I-I got blood on my hands when I was searching!" Makoto called back. 

"Be more careful then Naegi." She responded.

"S-Sorry!" He began to search again. He trembled as he did so, feeling horrified for what would happen to Leon. He inspected closer, noting that her wrist was broken. This made him worry more. How bad was this struggle? He pushed oncoming worries from his head when he was snapped back to reality. 

"Naegi. go speak with the others. They will be searching and investigating other rooms. I want you to see if we can start to piece things together here. I'm not sure how much time we have left to investigate this..." She stated. Makoto nodded quickly and sprinted from the room and out into the hall. He was unsure of where to search nest. Who would have information? Would he be able to alter anything else to protect Leon? Hifumi found Makoto and quickly pulled him to the trash room.

"Look at that! who's could it be?" He grinned, pointing to the insinuator. In front of it, lay broken glass and something that appeared to be part of a shirt sleeve. Makoto gulped.

"That could be anyone's... It could be yours, mine, Leon's... Anyone's..."

"I'd think it could be Leon's! After all, he was quite into her for some time! Maybe she turned him down and he got angry!" Hifumi teased.

"That's not a funny joke at all... How could you even joke like that? You'll raise suspicion before we've even managed to properly investigate..." Makoto responded.

Ahogay~ Leon X Makoto (Yaoi Warning)Where stories live. Discover now