Bluh, sad stuff -_-

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(( i feel like im supposed to put some kind of sad shit in here or it would be going too perfectly! It pains me to do this because im obsessed with this ship! So dont be expecting much more from me! A little bit of me is dying from this!!))

Makoto blinked awake the next morning, smiling as he remembered the day before. Leon was already awake, smiling at him. "Mornin baby!" He said happily to Makoto.
"Morning!" Makoto sat up, stretching. "God damn we got school today..." Leon grumbled. Makoto giggled
"Hey, we can't have every day off baby!"
"Wish we could!" Leon said. Makoto giggled more and got up, getting dressed.

Once the two were ready, they headed down to class. Class was boring as hell with no significant events!

After class the two headed to Makoto's dorm.
"What do you wanna do?" Makoto asked Leon. Leon smirked a little. "I kiiiiinda wanna do you..." He smirked more.
"Eeeeeh.... I don't wanna...." Makoto said tiredly.
"Maybe later?" Leon asked. Makoto pouted a little
"Why do you always wanna have sex....? Like.... We do a lot.... I wanna do other things with you too other than just things that lead to sex.... Sometimes I feel like that's all you care about...."
"The fuck? What are ya talkin about?" Leon looked slightly offended.
"Almost everything we do leads to sex... Like yeah I enjoy it and stuff, but I sometimes just like to cuddle with you and relax... I dunno.... Like even before we said we were dating, you instantly tried to get in my pants when all I thought we were gonna do was watch a movie together.... I-I get all worried that youre really only interested in having sex with me...." He wiped a tear away. Leon was too embarrassed to explain why it was he always initiated sex cuz he's too cool to get too mushy, so instead he took it the opposite direction.
"Wow. Okay. Ya sound a bit full of yourself there. You're tryin ta call me a whore right?" Leon retorted angrily, though the anger was forced. In reality he felt pretty hurt. He felt worse about it when he saw how hurt Makoto looked. But he covered up his concern and took his act further though he knew he'd end up overdoing it.
"Fuck you then! Guess all the shit I said to ya about lovin ya didn't matter huh?! Whatever! I don't need ya! You're borin anyway! I can always just fuck ANYONE else!" He flipped Makoto off and stormed out. Tears streamed down Makoto's cheeks. He wiped them away quickly before breaking down he laid on his bed and bawled violently. He felt heartbroken and stupid. All he had done was try and speak his mind calmly, only to have it blow up in his face. He sat up and pulled the dog tag from Leon off, pelting it across the room angrily.
"FUCKING ASSHOLE!!" he screamed, hoping it would make him feel better. It didn't. He went back to crying.

Leon went to his dorm, plopping on his bed. He felt like a major dick when he played the events back in his head. Why hadn't he just explained himself instead of avoiding it and being an ass instead? He hadn't meant a word he said, only throwing them desperately at Makoto so he wouldn't have to get into deep feelings and shit that would make him look softer than he already did. He thought back to how broken Makoto had looked before he left. Makoto had put love and trust into him and he had thrown it back just to keep from spilling feelings. He sighed, placing his face in his hands.
"Fuck....." The situation felt irreparable. He felt like he had just tossed Makoto away just so his image wouldn't be further altered.
"Tch.... Not like what I said made that any better...." He mumbled aloud. His heart sank as he thought of not having Makoto anymore. Especially when he had only just got him. He loved Makoto more than anything and had just broken his heart. He sighed and laid back, falling asleep.

Hours had passed. Makoto was still crying hard, unable to make sense of what happened and why Leon had reacted so badly. Leon's words kept playing in his head like a broken record. He hated himself for falling for Leon. Hated himself for thinking he could even have him in the first place. Hated himself for deciding to trust Leon with his heart. Hated himself for pouring his heart out to Leon. Hated himself for giving himself to Leon. Hated himself fo-
His thoughts were interrupted by a soft, hesitant knock on the door. Makoto sat up, taking a deep breath and wiped his eyes, not wanting to alarm whoever was behind the door. He slowly opened the door, peeking out. Leon was standing there, his eyes red as if he had actually been crying.
"C-can I come in...?" He asked slowly.
Makoto thought for a bit and slowly opened the door, looking away from Leon. He stepped aside as Leon walked in slowly. He closed the door and sat on his bed, still not daring to look at Leon.
"Look... I'm so sorry Makoto..... I didn't even mean all that shit I said..... I just..... I'm a selfish asshole... I was afraid to try to explain myself cuz I didn't wanna look soft... I'm a dick.... I can't believe I even let myself say that shit to ya..... I promise I didn't mean it Makoto....." Makoto finally looked at Leon.
"Y-you didn't....?"
"No.... Not at all... I'm in love with ya Makoto..... I suck at showin it but I am..... What I shoulda said earlier was that..... The reason I'm always tryin ta have sex with ya is cuz I suck at words.... So I like ta show ya how I feel with actions.... It ain't me just bein horny all the fuckin time..... There's more to it.... It actually means a lot ta me when we uh... Ya know... Have sex.... Cuz I get ta show ya how much I love ya....cuz I can't really put it inta words....." Makoto was stunned. He stared at Leon for a long while before he slowly got up and hugged him tightly, burying his face in Leon's chest. Leon hugged him back, burying his face in Makoto's hair.
"I'm sorry I didn't come out and say that earlier..... I'm gonna start telling ya this shit from now on okay? I don't want ya ta feel like my image is more important than ya.... So I'm just gonna say what I mean okay?"
"Okay.... I love you Leon....." Makoto said softly.
"I love ya too baby.... Sooo much...." Leon responded. Makoto looked up at him, smiling. He leaned up and kissed Leon passionately. Leon kissed back passionately.
"Mmmm......" Leon smiled against Makoto's lips. Leon pulled back after a bit.
"Hey baby where's your dog tag?" Leon asked, looking at Makoto's neck.
"Oh... Uh.... I took it off.... And kinda.... Threw it somewhere.... When you left..... I'm sorry!"
"Its okay baby... You were pissed at me... You still want it?" Leon asked.
"Yeah!" Makoto ran to where he threw it and started looking around. When he found it, Leon took it and gently put it around Makoto's neck.
"There!" He kissed Makoto's cheek softly, slipping his arms around Makoto's waist.
"I love ya baby...." He said gently against Makoto's cheek.
"I love you too...." Makoto smiled and held on to the front of Leon's shirt.
"Wanna go out for dinner baby?" Leon asked happily.
"Yeah!" Makoto squeed. Leon smiled and grabbed money before pulling Makoto out of school and onto the sidewalk. The two walked hand in hand, joking and laughing with each other.
They soon reached a nice restaurant. They sat beside each other in a booth and ordered an assortment of sushi. The two stuffed their faces happily.
"Hey Leon?"
"Yeah baby?"
"I'm in love with you too...." Makoto said, referring back to when Leon had said the same thing. Leon smiled and leaned close, kissing Makoto softly.

Ahogay~ Leon X Makoto (Yaoi Warning)Where stories live. Discover now