The Trial~

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After speaking with Kirigiri, Makoto went back to his dorm to Leon.

"She knows... She knows it was you... I don't know how... But she does... She won't tell me because she knows I'll just cover more of your tracks... I don't know what to do... I feel like everything is crashing down... Nothing makes sense anymore..." Makoto trembled as he spoke to Leon. Tears started to run down his cheeks.

"Baby... You're smart... I know you'll figure something out okay? An if you don't, I don't want you beating yourself up over it. I want you to be okay if something bad were to happen to me..." Leon said softly. He held Makoto's cheeks. Makoto moved away. 

"How can I ever be okay if something bad happens to you?! It will be my fault! It will mean I didn't do good enough to keep you alive..." He started to cry. Leon pulled him close and kissed him passionately. Makoto instantly kissed back, clinging to Leon for dear life. The kiss lasted for what seemed like an eternity before they were interrupted by the voice of the bear on the monitor.

"It's time for the class trial!~ Everyone head to the red door! I can't wait to see all of this unfurl! I hope you all worked hard!" The bear sang the words gleefully. Makoto felt a like a rock had just been dumped into his stomach. He hugged Leon tightly. 

"I love you so much Leon..." He felt like he needed to say it. He thought it might be the last time he would ever get to say it.

"I love you too baby..." He smiled and hugged Makoto. "I guess we should go huh?" He asked Makoto.

"Yeah... Let's go..." The two walked with he rest of the students to the ominous red door. They walked in, all standing in the elevator, watching each other, all on guard. There was a killer among them.

When the elevator stopped, they all got out reluctantly, gazing about what appeared to be a large court room. Makoto felt near tears but did his best to keep them contained. The group all separated into their respective spots, still watching each other.

"Remain calm everyone." Kyoko stated to the group. It did nothing to calm their frayed nerves. Makoto looked across at Leon, taking in every last detail of him as if it would be the last time he got to do so.

"AAAAAAAALRIGHT everyoooooooone~! Let's get this show on the road!" The monotoned bear sang. There was a sick excitement in his voice which sent a shiver rolling down the crowd's spines. "You may now begin the trial!" Monokuma exclaimed. Everyone hesitated to do anything. Kirigiri was the first to break the icy silence.

"Allow me to begin by naming the culprit that I have discovered." Everyone's attention was on her. 

"Who do you think it could be?" Aoi asked.

"Leon Kuwata. Plain and simple. Sayaka wrote his name in her blood." Kirigiri responded plainly.

"That's wrong! When I went to investigate there was only smeared blood beside her!" Makoto retorted.

"How did you know it was beside her Naegi?" Kirigiri inquired. Makoto looked scared.

"I just assumed that is what you meant..." He mused. Kirigiri didn't buy it.

"Makoto Naegi has been covering up for Kuwata. When i first checked out the body, Leon's name was written backwards beside Sayaka in her blood. I left the room to investigate the rest of the dorm, leaving Naegi in the bathroom with Sayaka's body. When I came back in, the name was but a smear and Naegi was washing his hands.

" I told you I was washing my hands because I was examining the body! I must have accidentally smeared the blood while i was investigating!" Makoto was starting to feel terrified. He looked at Leon who was looking fearful himself. This made Makoto's heart sink. What if he got the love of his life killed? Makoto couldn't bear the thought. He forced his eyes away from Leon and back to kirigiri.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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