How do you know me??

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Chapter three you guys!!!

Yui was making her way to the living room but got lost so she decided to take a stroll in the house. She found herself walking into a library where she saw a blonde guy with earphones attached to his ears.

Yui's POV
[I see a blonde guy sleeping on one of the many tables in the library. I approached him and tried to wake him up and ask where the living room is but then...." What do you want?" he said in a sleepy and lazy tone. " Um...... I was looking for the living room but got lost an-" but I was cut off by his groans. " Take a left from here when you get out of the library and there you will find the......blah blah blah blah blah." I didn't listen very well because I was looking at his gorgeous locks. " Hey!! Are you even listening??" he almost shouted. " Um......." I said as I looked at the floor. " Fine... I'll take you." he said lazily. " Thank you." I said while looking at him.]

Yui walked with the blonde boy to the living room. When they arrived everyone was staring at the two. " What?" The boy said while walking to the nearest couch to sleep. " It's about time you came...we've been waiting for you for 10 minutes now....where were you?" Said the butler. " I'm sorry I got lost and I ended out in the library where I saw that blonde boy.." She said while she was pointing her finger to the blonde boy. " Very well... Please sit down." The butler said.

Yui's POV
As I was about to sit down I accidentally sat on a soft "pillow". I gasped as I saw that it a pillow it was a guy with a fedora. " Why hello there little girl~.. what's your name?~" He said in a sexily way. " Ahhhh!!!!!" I yelled. I fell to the floor and sat on something soft. When I looked down I saw it was a boy with a teddy bear. " Please get off of me..." He said. I quickly got up and bumped into someone and I saw it was a guy with white hair. He glared at me and pushed me down hard to the ground. " Owww!!" I said while rubbing my butt. " Let's all stop with all this commotion and let us introduce ourselves to you.

10 minutes later-

" I said I don't know or remember any of you!!!!" Yui screamed. They were all in shocked. " Wow.... You have really changed alot since the last time we saw you." said Ayato. " Can you all fill me up here...??" said Yui.

Hey what up again!!! I couldn't do anything today so I thought I make another chapter of this story. So yeah enjoy I'll post another chapter on Saturday.

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