On the way

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I'm so sorry this took too long. I just became more depressed after I published part 1. But I'm fine now! Btw BTS has had a Comeback thats why I was a little inactive. Hehehe blame my A.R.M.Y side. >3<                                                                                                                                                           Anyways I felt motivated to make this chapter so I hope you guys like it. Please excuse the little grammars if there are any wrong I'll just proof read if I have time. Enjoy~

Yui's POV

We are now in the car going to school. I'm actually quite surprised that its loud in here. Most of the time no one talks because they are always busy with thier own things. But now I'm quite happy that they are getting along just fine. " HEY!! GIVE TEDDY BACK!!" Hah... spoke too soon.

I look over to them and Laito and Ayato has Teddy in the air. I look over to Kanato and he's crying. " Hey , give Teddy back to him. He's already crying." I pleaded. " Ayyyy... dont join in here Y-pancake." Ayato said. " Yui..." I turn to look at Kanato who called me. " Yes?" He didnt say anything but rather he just stood up and sat on me. 

" H-hey what are you doing?!" I said. " Nothing~! Just sitting here with you~!" He purred. He then looked at Ayato and Laito. " If you guys want Teddy then he.is.yours. I will have Yui instead. Just imagine the things we could do. Hehehe" he said mischievously. Then he kissed my cheek. Me being a girl of course blushed.

Lets just say after that , everything I said before about them 'getting along' just went down the drain.

I'm sorry that this is just a filler chapter. I just really wanted to add this because this was at the top of my head. And i though that this is a waste to not make it into a chapter. So I hope you guys liked it.

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