The Last One

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I'm sorry for being gone for so long...
Yui's POV

" So do you get it?" I asked.
" Um, so I just have to divide this three together right?" Ayato asked back.

" No! Not those three! Just these two!" I said.
" Oh! I get it.... no I don't?" He said.

This is useless.

" Never mind that now. Let's just go straight into English." I gave up.

" But——"

" No but already! ENGLISH IT IS!" I stated and he just nodded afraid I'll lose my temper on him. (let's just say they're speaking in a different language and I just translated it)

We've been here for about an hour and a half. And all I've been teaching him was Maths. I'm sorry to sound rude but I've never, NEVER, seen someone who can't even add two digit numbers.

" Ok, English is going to be quite hard but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time." I have low expectations on this guy.

Few minutes later...

"-- and that is how the Vampire Revolution started." He finished reading. I can't believe it. He's done. He read all the 500 pages worth of Vampire History in a matter of minutes. IN ENGLISH!

I stood up from the bed and he immediately stood up as well. I sat him down and did a slow clap to show gratitude to him.

We're finally done.

" Thank you, up there, whoever you are, thank you." I say, looking up at the ceiling and knelt down.

" What are you talking about? I've always been good in English. That's like, the easiest subject." he stated.

As he did so, he stood up and walked towards the door." Stand up already. We're going to eat dinner now." and walked out.

I quickly got up and dusted my skirt before going down to the dinning hall. Which reminds me, I haven't changed out of my school uniform yet... Ehh I'll do it later.

As I went inside the dinning hall I was met with yet another lovely smell of food.

" What's for dinner?" I asked one of the cooks. Before she could answer someone whispered from behind.

" You~."

I shiek as I jump away from the culprit only to figure out that it was Laito.

" Fufufufu. Why so jumpy Yui?" He asked acting as if he was innocent.

" I don't know Laito. What do you think?" I asked rather sarcastically.

" Aww, did I scare you? I'm sorry~" He said acting cute and hugged me. I quickly forgave him and helped in the kitchen.

Once dinner was ready I called all the brothers and we started eating. Halfway into eating, I could sense Ayato looking at me, and when I held eye contact he quickly dropped his head. Thinking it was nothing I just continued eating. After dinner, everyone went on their way.

I went to the garden for fresh air but someone covered my nose and all I remembered was black...

Yes, I gave you a cliff hanger. I'm still trying to remember on how the date was gonna turn out. But I hope this is fine for now...

Diabolik Lovers: Vampire Yui?!Where stories live. Discover now