Homework problem

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HAI! Im really sorry for the long wait. Ever since school started all I think about is homework, projects, and how I don't get enough sleep. But I suddenly had the urge to write again so here I am. Plus I promised myself I will finish this story. So bare in mind that it might not turn out as you wanted it to be. I'll try my best though. Let's start then shall we!

Yui's POV

When we got home the first thing I did was go to my room and change. We had Physical Ed. so I was sweating the whole time we were in the car. And I got scolded by Reiji that I was not ladylike to be sweating in front of boys. Once I got change I started doing my homework. I can't believe all our subject teachers gave us homework. I mean how was I suppose to finish this in one day? I'm just human, I don't have supernatural powers....... but some other people do! ' Yui, you're a genius.' I say to myself mentally patting my back.

I got up and headed down to Reiji's room. *knock* *knock* " Come in." A voice said coming through the door. I went in and I saw Reiji sitting on his desk writing on his book. " Ah it's you Yui, what do you need?" He asked calmly. I went to him and look at what he was writing. ' Seems like he's busy with his own homework. Maybe I should ask someone else.' " Um, it's nothing I just wanted to ask if you wanted tea?" I said. " That would be lovely, thank you." He smiled. " M'kay, I'll just get it for you." I said and headed to the kitchen. Once the tea was done I went back and handed Reiji his tea and headed off.

Next I headed to Shu's room. I knocked on the door but nobody answered. I tried knocking again but again, nothing happened. I opened the door and there he was...........


' As always...' I thought and closed the door.

I went to Subaru's room and knocked on the door. " What do you need?" Someone asked from behind. I got shocked and almost fell but Subaru caught me. " You okay?" He asked. " Yeah, I'm fine but don't scare me like that." I said shakily. " Hahaha, sure. So what did you need?" He laughed. ' Wait Yui, look at him. He looks tired based on the eye bags under his eyes. Maybe we should let him rest.' " Ah right I wanted to ask you if... you.. wanted.. tea?" I asked not sure what else to say. " I guess?" He answered. " Okay,go in your room and wait for me." I said. So I went down again and made tea for Subaru too. I also made tea for Shu when he wakes up. I first placed Shu's in his room and went to Subaru's. " Here you are. Make sure to drink it all and rest." I said. " Thank you, and I will." He smiled. I also smiled and headed out.

' Should I go ask the other three if they can help me with my homework? Could they even help me? Maybe not.... or maybe they can.... oh I don't know. I'll ask just in ca——' " Pancake! Where were you? I was looking for you." I couldn't finish my thoughts because of Ayato screaming. " Yato great timing, I was wondering if you could ——" " Help me with homework." He said. " Oh! Great I also needed help. We could help each other out." I exclaimed. " Cool, c'mon Kanato and Laito are waiting in my room." He said.

While we were walking to his room we kept talking and talking about how our day was. It felt like forever until we reached his room. But when we did, as Ayato was going to open his door, Kanato and Laito opened the door. " Where are you guys going?" Ayato asked. " I forgot I had plans for today so I'm leaving." Laito said. " And I have a scheduled cake time with Teddy so I'm also going." said Kanato. " But, homework! And I finally found Yui!" Ayato exclaimed. " Sorry! Bye!" Both said and teleported away. I was standing there quietly but said " Oh well, I guess it's just the two of us now is it?" Ayato looked at me and smiled genuinely. " Yeah. So shall we start?" He said and went in the room. I followed him and we started to do our homework. Turn out they haven't started on anything. ' Haaaa, looks like this is going to be a long day.'

AND THERE YOU HAVE IT! Another filler for this day. I'm sorry for stalling the next part of their story but I just want to have more chapters for you guys. So I'm sorry for making you anticipate. I'll try to make the next chapter the next part of Ayato's time with Yui. But until then this is goodbye!

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