Waking Up

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I'm back 😅 I've finnaly decided to continue this rather than leaving you all behind~

Yui's POV

"-she's been sleeping for quite sometime. Wake her up. NOW!" a voice yelled from somewhere far. Then all I felt was water being splashed onto me.

I woke up from the sudden coldness from the water and breeze. When I opened my eyes I see all these wax figures of ladies towering over me. And infront of me stands a beautiful lady in purple.

"You're finally awake. Took you long enough." the lady spoke. I didn't know who she was, but she clearly knew who I am. Considering that she's giving me a glare.

"Who are you? And what do you want from me?!" I yelled at her trying to get out of my restraints. Both my arms and legs are tied up.

"Me? Why, I don't have to tell you. You know me already, hell, you've even DREAMT of me." she smirked into her sentence, her teeth showning making her look more menacing.

"Dream? I didn't dr-" before I could even finish my sentence, I felt my head started to throb. The pain too much for me to bear. As it throbbed, memories started to come, like flashing lights.

My dad, holding a newborn on front of a lady. Mom.

As I walked through my memories, I saw myself running through the fields with my playmates.

"Daddy!" I exclaimed as I saw my running towards me. I ran to him but I couldn't feel him at all. And when I turned around, he was holding me, when I was just a child.

Then the scene changed just as quickly as it came. From the open field before, to a dark closed space. Young me was shivering out of fright and the cold.

"I'm leaving. This place is too dangerous for my daughter. Especially since you're here." my dad said.

"You're never escaping this hell hole I've created. Even if you run far away, your daughter has been bounded by fate to one of my sons." a lady said, but I couldn't see who or where she was.

"I don't care if she's bounded! She is not one of you! You are cruel for making my daughter believe your lies. I will make sure that Yui will stay pure for as long as I live. Mark my words Cordelia."

And everything crumbled.

When I opened my eyes again, she was right infront of my face.

" Now, sweet Yui. Do you know who I am?" the lady whispered in my ear.

"You're, Cordelia. The Sakamaki brother's mother." I stated, my eyes still wide from shock.

"And do you know what you are?"

"One of you..."

I saw her lips curl up into a bigger grin as he stepped away from me.

"Yes dear. Now, it's time for you to wake up and come with me." after saying those words she took her finger and sliced open my back.

Pain shot to every part of my body as a black substance oozed out of my body. I had no power in me to scream. All I did was cry in silence as my back deformed.

My head collided with the floor due to my back arching, something protruding out my spine and spreading out into the open.

Cordelia was just there, smiling at what she's done to me. She licked her finger that had my blood on it.

"I can taste the power you hold. Too bad it's been diluted because of your human form."

Finally, after countless of agonising pain shoring through my body, it was over. I couldn't see what had happened to me but I know something heavy is on my back. Cordelia went behind me and caressed what she had done.

"Finally, after all these years. You're finally in your true form." and when I heard that, I opened my eyes.

And she was right.

I'm back.

Breaking through the ropes that binded me before, with ease, I stood up and stretched my legs out. Wings have sprouted at the bottom of my spine and spread about a meter from my body. My fingers and feet were replaced with pitch black claws and I can feel my teeth have sharpened. My hair not completely blonde anymore, the roots of my hair were also as black as my claws. My uniform was long gone, and was replaced with skimpy dressing that showed enough skin.

"I feel great." I said, my voice having its own echo.

"I'm glad you feel so. Now if only-" before she can continue I spoke again.

"I'm sorry but I don't think we negotiated on anything. Did we, Cordelia?" a smirk was playing on my face as she looked at me with pure shock written in her face.


"But nothing. You might've let me loose from my human self but that doesn't mean I should give thanks to you. You were only a pawn in my game. And sadly, pawns die as quickly as the come." and with that, I plunged my claw into her chest and ripped out her heart. She slumped to the group and bled out. Her heart rapidly pumping in my hand and slowly coming to a stop. I dropped the heart infront of her and teleported out the building.

The wax building was relatively close to the Sakamaki's household so I didn't have a hard time going back. I turned back into my human form and went through the garden. As I turned the corner I saw all the brothers frantically searching everywhere. Probably to find me. Ayato turned his head and saw me.

"Yui!" He shouted, and got the attention of the other brothers.

Their eyes lit up and they all ran towards me. They engulfed me in their embrace and said that they were worried for me and that I shouldn't go out in the night alone.

"I'm sorry guys. I just got carried away with all the different scents of the flowers." I shyly said and I scratched the back of my neck.

"Well we're glad that you're fine. But thanks to you we missed night school." Reiji said as he fixed his glasses.

"I'm sorry once again..." I dropped my head so they'd believe me more. And maybe make them feel sympathy for me.

I felt a pay on my head and those words being spoken to me.

"Its fine, as long as you are ok. We're happy. So don't feel burdened." and I saw from my peripheral vision a head lowering beside mine.

"Ok, Pancake?" a smile plastered onto Ayato's pale face. A tint of red splayed on his cheeks.

With his tender smile, I feel a heavy weight drop onto me.

And with a forced smile I said.

"Ok, Yato."


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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2020 ⏰

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