What the other guys think of you

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Niall: You were super nervous! Like REALLY REALLY super nervous. But Niall of course told you not to worry. It took the guys to get used to you, seeing as Niall was the only one in the group who hasn't been in a relationship since the beginning but they soon realised how good you to we're to ether and how much you lived each other.

Harry: It was weird but because you were with Harry you didn't care what happened. The boys were wondering if you may be just another fling like many of the others turned out to be but after spending just 5 minutes all together they could see that it was different from the others.

Zayn: At first they thought that you were just in it for the fame because you didn't seem at all nervous and as if this happened a lot. The truth was that Zayn was right when you first met, you were a very chilled out person and really just didn't care about what others thought. It took them a few weeks for them to understand that and they would often tell Zayn how they felt but Zayn would get frustrated and would ask for you to come round and because you really loved him, you got to his as quickly as you could. After multiple times of this happening everybody could see just how much you loved each other. And hey you were both all about hair style so you were a match made in heaven.

Liam: he would talk non-stop about you to the guys before you all met so they knew that Liam was crazy about you and really loved you. After meeting you they couldn't explain how perfect you were for each other and basically knew you as the girl version of Liam.

Louis: You were confident and for a few reasons. You had alot of friends and would constantly be named the funny and sassy one. At first the guys saw this as being very loud an didn't like it as much but soon realised that you and Louis were practically the same person and were completely and utterly in love with each other! 


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