First Time* Louis

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Heya! So I was supposed to do this ages ago but I did some requests instead! You know the procedure!! Sex Sex Sex Sex SEx Sex SEx! If you don't like sexy stuff don't read! But you should still read :) 


You were not the romantic type and this was not your first time. Louis knew this and was on the same page! You didn't want anything planned out for this because if it was meant to happen then it will. No amount of planning would make it more perfect then if it were spontaneous. So that’s how it works. Live life for the moment and don't think about the consequences. 

"Babe, are you nearly ready? The party starts in half an hour! We have to leave soon." Louis called to you as you finished applying your smoky makeup. You grabbed your clutch and ran down stairs as fast as you could in your heels and skinny blue cocktail dress.

His mouth dropped open at the sight of me which made me giggle.

"Louis?" I asked, hoping he would get his head out from outer space. He didn't so I walked over to him and pushed his chin up and gave him a passionate kiss. He didn't respond at first but when he did my stomach flipped. I stepped back and noticed a sizeable tent forming in his tight jeans. Ha ha! He's not going to get it yet.

"Right let’s go!" You said as you walked out the door leaving a very turned on Louis staring. Suddenly, snapping out of his trance, he rushed over to you; his face flushed a deep shade. You giggle and quickly slip into the car.

*at the party*

Louis has been standing over at the bar for a good hour now and whenever you look, he quickly looks away. You knew what would really get him turned on so you walked over to a girl who was by herself and began grinding on each other. You smirked at Louis whose eyes had grown wide and he put his arm over his crotch to hide the bulge. 

He still wouldn't come over. Only one thing to do to get him angry. You grabbed the nearest guy and began to grind on him as his hands roamed all over your body. Then that voice, you had waited so long to hear was heard above the noise as he grabbed you and dragged you to a small corner. 

"We are going home." Was all Louis said. God he sounded hot when he was pissed.

*during the car ride home*

This is unbearable! The bump in Louis jeans looked so trapped and all you wanted to do was release it. You could tell that he was horny but at the same time he was pissed. Great! The sexual tension kept growing and growing until he muttered something so quiet you couldn't hear it and he pulled into an empty car park.

"Get in the back seat". You didn't even question it. The tension was so thick you would beg for it. He quickly climbed in after you ad began to kiss you hard and rough while kicking his shoes off and unbuttoning his shirt. 

"You like acting dirty on the dance floor aye?" He looked into your eyes, his now seaweed green. He didn't even want you to reply because his lips slammed against yours so hard that your back thudded on to the back seat completely. You kicked off your heels and slid your underwear down, which was a lacy blue thong, and threw it into the front and laughed when it landed on the gearstick. 

Louis lips sucked and nipped down your jawline and neck making you moan and groan while wrapping your legs around his torso. There wasn't enough room in the back for much, but who needs space? He took off his tight jeans and his erection began to grow more, however it was still restricted by his Calvin Klein’s. As you were pulling his pants off he began to slide your dress down. You didn't have a bra on because the dress was very tight. 

He immediately started to rub both breasts while you slid my hand up and down his length which was throbbing in your hand. He pushed you down and without warning plunged into you. You screamed, which only echoed into the empty car park. He didn't let you adjust and just started slamming into you hard and deep. The pain was indescribable! He was so big and thick. To take your mind off of the pain he began to kiss you passionately and it really worked! The butterflies erupted in my stomach ad all you began to feel was pleasure. You moaned into his mouth as he pounded you so hard that the while car rocked. He began to give you love bites down your neck as he grunted into your skin. Without warning he hit the perfect spot which gave you so much pleasure your head went fuzzy.

"Oh. God. Louis. Again!" You said between thrusts. Those words obviously worked because he began to go very very hard. Your stomach began to knot. 

"Louis I'm gonna..." 

"Babe, me to!" 

Many thrusts later he breathed out.

"On three. One... Two.... THREE!" He shouted as you both released over each other. 

You laid on our sides due to the tiny amount of space and breathed heavily for about 5 minutes.

"Don't dance like that with another guy like that again. Okay?" He asked looking deep into your eyes.

"Okay." You kissed his lips gently and put your dress back on. You searched frantically for your pants until you saw Louis sat in the front of the car with then between his teeth. You laughed and hopped into the front and grabbed them off of him. 

All of a sudden you were bombarded by masses of camera flashes. HOLY SHIT! How much did they see? You looked at Louis who looked surprisingly smug. He shouted out the window for them to all get out the way or he'll run them over and that scared them enough for them to get out the way. 

You wondered what the headlines would be tomorrow? 


So that's the last of the first times!!! 

Hope you liked them!


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