He Meets your Parents *Niall

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Hey. So these ones are gonna be done with one of the boys per chapter because I have a feeling that they will be quite long ones! But yeah enjoy and vote, comment and request!

Read on My Wee Nuggets! :)


You were Super nervous about Niall meeting your parents. You had explained alot that your parents didn't approve of any of your past boyfriends so you were worried about them not liking him, however he insisted that he wants to meet them because he really loves you and wants to know your family.

You started to think of how you would tell them about Niall.



*Phone Call*

Y: Hey Mum

M: Hello there sweety, Is there somthing wrong?

Y: No mum, everythings fine. But there is one thing I need to ask you.

M: Okay, Go ahead.

Y: Would you like to meet my knew boyfriend somtime soon?



M:You know how me and your father feel about you and boys. You know that no matter what they will end up hurting you in someway!!

Y: No mum Niall's different I swear! I havn't felt like this before and I know he would never hurt me!

M:*Sigh* I will give him a chance, but I swear if we don't like him, you cant expect us to treat him like a son. Bring him over some time next week and we will cook dinner.

Y: Thankyou mum! I will tell him! Love you!

M:I Love you to dear. Bye

*End Of Call*

*The Next Week*

"Niall come on!! We're gonna be late if we dont leave now!!" You yelled up to Niall.

Tonight was the night that Niall would meet your parents. And you were absolutly Bricking it.

What was taking Niall so long? It was a casual evening so neither of you dressed up in much. You wore black skinny jeans with a white top with a woman on it with pink high heels.

Niall came down moments later in a very nice blue shirt with a pair of Levis on.

"Well don't you look dashing" you said with a wink as you walked up and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"I can say the same for you, princess!" He said back with a more passionate kiss.

*At Your parents Front door*

Nervous was not a big enough word to describe how you were feeling at this point. You really loved Niall and you never felt like this about anyone before and your parents were never one to understand that some day a man would come along and make you the happiest person and never want to hurt you. Although you did appreciate how they were always just trying to look out for you, it would sometimes be a bit upsetting.

"Okay, just remember not to try to hard and-" You began.

" Princess would you please stop worrying?" Niall cut you off.

"Okay, okay." Yousmiled up at Niall.

*Knock Knock*

Not 5 seconds later did your mum answer the door with a surprisingly big smile on her face.

"Heya, sweety! It's been to long!" Your mum greeted you as you both hugged.

"Hi mum and I know I should call you more!" You hugged back.

"And you must be Niall?" Your mum said turning to your prince.

"Yes ma'm that would be me." He smiled back.

"Well come on in then, my husband really wants to meet you."

You swore you saw Niall gulp a little at this which made you smile in this stressful time.

*Inside the house*

"Now loves if you could just put your shoes by the door then come through to the dining room. Dinner will be ready very soon." Your mum said as she walked into the dining room.

"Are you alright Ni?" You asked a bit concerned.

"Oh err, yeah princess just..... Well what's your dad like??" He was beginning to panic.

"Look babe, just stay calm, don't try to hard and be yourself. Okay?"

"Yeah" he took a deep breath, smiled at me and then followed me into the dining room where my dad was sat. You were completely shocked to see that he also had a smile spread across his face nearly reaching his ears. What was going on?

"Hey dad!!" You hugged him a bit excitedly. You were always a daddy's girl. Not the spoilt kind who always needed her daddy's credit card, but the kind who would just prefer to talk to and be with more than my mum. Not that You didn't love her to bits, your dad just understood you more. Which You guessed was one of the reasons why he was always more protective of you, would give your boyfriends a harder time whereas mum would accept anyone, even though once they left she would be going off about how they weren't good enough for you.

"Hello there my little girl". Dad beamed at you like You were still a 10 year old girl.

"Hiya daddy!!" You hugged him so tight you thought his eyes would pop out.

He looked over at Niall and You immediately thought that his mood would drop. Instead You saw Something flash in his eyes which seemed like happiness but You didn't want to push your luck.

"Dad, this is Niall." You spoke up.

"Ahh so this is the man who stole my baby's heart then aye?" He said with a smile.

"We'll I hope so, sir!" Niall answered, alot more relaxed than before which made your shoulders relax.

*During dinner*

"This is possibly the best casserole I have ever had!" Niall exclaimed.

"We'll thankyou dear. I hoped you would like it." Mum said back.

This really was a good casserole! You were so impressed with how well everything was going! You really hoped they like him!!

"So, Niall, what exactly is your job, may I ask?"

Shit. Dad never approved of any kind of job unless it was Something like a lawyer or a business man. He would never accept Niall Being in a band.

"Well sir, I'm in a band." Oh how Niall smiled, not a care in the world.

"Oh really?" Dad questioned. "And do you think that if you were to one day wish to start a family with my daughter-" You shifted uncomfortably "-you would be able to support them?"

"Defiantly." Niall said bluntly.

"Excuse me?" Dad was shocked by his quick answer.

"Well sir, the band I am in is quite well known! I have more than enough money to start and support the family I hope to one day have with your daughter."

Wow. You just stared at him in disbelief. Did he really mean all of that? Does he really want to start a family with you some day? You kinda hope he does.......

"Well then son, you had better keep that as a promise. I hope you know that I don't take boyfriends of my darlings very well, however if you really mean what you say. Then I suppose I can accept you." Mine and mums mouths literally dropped to the floor. "Do not make me regret this. Understand me?" He put his hand out to Niall.

"I understand. I won't ever hurt your daughter. I swear." They shook hands.

*Leaving your parents*

"Call me more often dear. I've missed you!" You hugged mum and inhaled that sweet fragrance You grew up with.

"Oh I will mum." You shouted back at her as You entered into the passenger side of the car.

*Niall and your dad*

"I hope to see you soon Niall. And remember if you ever hurt my daughter I will chop your balls off and feed them to my dog. Ok?"

Niall didn't know how to resond, he just stood there...... Awkwardly silent. That was until dad let out a big laugh which was followed by Ni half laughing, to terrified to do much.

* Back Home*

You couldn't be more relieved with how the night went. Your dad, The man who didn't like any male aqua intense of yours, actually like Niall.

Nialls hands snaked around your waist from behind and pulled you close.

"So how did I do?" He asked.

You just chuckled and turned around to give him a peck on the lips and walk to his bedroom in his flat where you were staying over.


Heya guys!!! I swear down that this part took me actual donkeys yeRs to write!!!! I really hoped you like it and message me for anything! Requests open! Vote if you liked it as comment if you want to!! Bye bye Nuggets! :)

P.S .Picture of outfit on the side!!

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