The TMH Sing That Reminds Him of You

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Niall: Little Things

It's your favourite One Direction song and he always sings it to you whilst giving it a slight twist about how you met. You always find it really cute whenever he sings about how you met in this way.

Harry: Magic

He always says how meeting you were clearly magic because the day you met out on the street while trying to get your cat back, he was supposed to be at a comely different place. He always said that for some reason something was making him go somewhere else.

Zayn: Kiss You

The song reminds him of you because when you first met, when he walked into the salon, he can remember Kiss You blaring through the speakers. Now whenever you style his hair for him he will quietly sing along.

Liam: Back for You

You weren't the clingy kind and neither was he. But when he would have sated round yours for the weekend, you would miss him so to keep you happy he recorded himself singing part of back for you and set it as your ringtone, so whenever he messages or calls that will go off.

Louis: She's Not Afraid

As you are a catwalk model you aren't afraid to be publicised or paid attention to. This is really convenient seeing as you are going out with a member of the biggest boy and alive! However in the past you had been a bit of a push over to certain male models and ended up having your heartbroken more than once. This meant that you were quite anxious on letting anyone get to close because you didn't want to get hurt. But you knew that Louis really lived you and would never hurt you and you really loved him.


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