Midnight Memories Song

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You guys will not beleive the shit I have gone through this week, but at the moment it doesn't matter because... MIDNIGHT MEMORIES IS AT NUMBER ONE IN THE UK MY NUGGGGEEEETTTTSSS!! :) 


You could say I am pretty happy.


Niall: You and I

Everyday you both see relationships break  down over either big or small things. Neither you nor Niall ever want what you have to end as without eachother your life is nothing. 

Harry: Don't Forget Where you Belong

You were actually the main reason for this song being made. Harry would become easily upset when he was away from home and on tour. Alot of calls and texts from him saying how he doesn't even no where he belongs. He wouldn't even know  who he was anymore. Thanks to your constant care towards him, answering calls no matter what time it was and always reminding him that he is the most special person to you and that is where you belong; At home, with you.

Zayn: Through the Dark

You were getting constant hate from 'fans' and everybody could tell that your flame was weakening. Zayn only wanted you happy so he let you do anything that helped; no matter what is was. It might have been you shouting and screaming or you just sitting in silence, at the end of the day you would snuggle into Zayn's chest and let him whisper sweet nothings into your ear ,about how much you mean to him and how the others are just  jealous, slowly lulling you to sleep

Louis: Strong

Sometimes the job can get a bit to much for Louis and he just needs a hand to hold. You are the only reason he hasn't fallen apart. You really don't mind though because by him doing this, you know that he really deeply and truely loves you. 

Liam: Half a Heart

While many believe that this song is about a break up, it really just relates how the both of you feel when he has to go away on tour. He likes to keep half of his clothes with you and takes half of yours with him just so it feels like you're close by.


Hope you like it guys.

I was wondering what your favourite 'Midnight Memories' song was? My two favourites are You and I and Don't Forget Where you Belong (Co-Written by Mcfly).


If you don't know who they are then you should really check them out! They're two groups formed together from McFly and Busted but Busted split up like 8 years ago but got back together just to go on this tour :333 Is anyone else going?



Tell me what you think! 

Later my Nuggets ;)

One Direction Preferences and ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon