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 This chapter is dedicated to Matilda, she's @earthtotilda on Twitter. If you're not following her, you're stupid&dumb but you can't be friends with her, sorry, she's all mine.


Alex’s POV

"Oh really? So hopefully you're not trying to follow Bella by tripping a lot, um, that's not the safest thing." I said, with a stunning grin. The girl giggled. There was a twinkle in her eyes as she laughed, which brought me a surge of happiness. I loved making people happy. "Ha, but perhaps if I act like Bella, I can find my Edward Cullen some day." She told me with humor. "Er, in this case, my Alex Gaskarth." She said, referring to me. I was flattered, and I blushed at the comment. "Ha, thank you." I murmured, then laughed it off.

Her name was Matilda. Right now, we were in Baltimore, where she had come to visit her friends. We took a break from the tour to come and celebrate Rian and Cassadee’s wedding here. Rian wanted it to be at the local church, where we all grew up together. I had decided to stop and drop by Starbucks. And bam, I met this amazing girl. She had recognized me, as an All Time Low fan. Instead of screaming and hyperventilating, she had came up calmly, and asked for a picture. After the photo was taken, she turned to walk away, only to trip. And that's how the whole Bella from Twilight conversation had started. I had asked her if she wanted to sit with me while drinking our coffee, and she quickly agreed.

Our laughter had drifted off, and there was a little silence between us.

“Matilda? Do you want to ask me a question?” I didn’t know how to keep the conversation alive, plus what if she has something she wants to know about me? She nodded, thinking for a few seconds and then she said “Are you still dating Lisa Ruocco?” It seems like our love life is what people care about the most these days. I sighed, not cause I was bothered by Matilda’s question, but because of the memories that came with Lisa’s name. Me and Lisa were on a dead end. The spark kinda faded. “Um, no. not anymore at least” I answered, putting on a fake smile. 

“So how old, er, young are you now?" I asked.

 She giggled. "I'm 15."

 I was taken back. 15? That was it? She was so mature...

"That's cool." I simply said.

 "Eh, I guess." She replied.

 Yeah. I just made this conversation so much more awkward.

I glanced at my watch. I believe it was time for me to get moving. And I couldn't believe I was just about to do this. "Um hey, Matilda... would you mind giving me your number?" I asked. I guess 15 weren’t that young... and besides, we could be friends. I somehow trusted her that she would not give my number out to random people. Her eyes widened, and her pupils seemed to dilate. How Cute.

 "Alex Gaskarth is asking for my number, not the other way around?" she said, gaping. I chuckled. "Are you giving it to me or not?"

After a hug, she inserted her phone number into my phone, I left, getting back into my car, smiling to myself. Matilda. One of our amazing fans. I would remember her.


"Oh really? And what if she gives everyone your phone number?" Jack asked, his eyebrow raised, as he ‘interrogated’ me about my day alone. We were just hanging at my place. It felt so good to be home again.

 "Um, that would suck for me, but I have a feeling she won't." I replied, the image of Matilda flashing back into my head.

 "Why don't I give her a call?" Jack said, taking my phone from my hand. He searched the contacts... he didn't even know her name yet.

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