Even though it hurts, you're my favorite pain.

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This is yet another depressing chapter, sorry about that. But I promise this is the last sad one. :-)

the song I used is called "Lullaby" by Chace Coy. :)


“Where are you tonight? Under the same sky, Wish you could tell me, are you happy?”

Jack’s POV

"But Jack... I still... do, care for you." Holly said hesitantly. I didn't know what to say, so I didn't say anything. It was silent between our phone conversation. "I mean, do you still feel the same way towards me?" she laughed, uncomfortable. She was so willing to move on completely, and forget what I had done. I laughed in response, just as awkward. Sweetheart, sorry, but I'm in love, and not with you. "Holly... You flatter and amaze me at your willingness to forgive and forget so quickly..." I started out. Good start, good start Jack. I told myself. I thought quickly for a second before continuing. "But I think it's best for me to be by myself for a while." I finished off confidently. "Oh... That's fine, I understand." She told me.

After I promised Holly we’d still be friends, I hung up and threw my phone lightly on my bed, and immediately followed. I groaned, laying my head on my pillow. I just ended things with Holly, she FINALLY picked up her phone after she’s been ignoring my calls for two motherfucking months. Now that I had resolved things with Holly, there was one person I couldn't fix anything with.

Lynn. It had been almost two months without her. Two months since I had heard her laugh, two months since I had tasted her lips, touched her soft skin. Two months since I had held her in my arms.  There was no way I could go to her to Spain... There was a big fat ocean between us called the Atlantic.  I didn't know her address in Spain, and we were on tour which was amazing so far. Everything went as planned and ran smoothly. I tried with all I can not to show the pain I felt. I had to admit, putting behind my worries every night and putting on that rockstar face of mine was enjoyable, especially when my beloved girls went crazy, screaming over every move I make.

Rian was getting married, I had to be happy and not miserable for him. I put on a smile for my family, friends, and fans. My mom told me to have faith I would find love again, and restart... instead of holding onto the dimmed memories of Lynn and I.

But I couldn't. I didn't even want to forget her, although erasing the tender memories would ease the hurt I was feeling. "Lynn..." I whispered to myself, closing my eyes. I placed a hand over my chest. What in the world... My heart, oh dear, my heart wouldn't heal.

I can still smell her on my skin. I can still feel the touch of her fingertips.  I'm such an idiot. Such a fucking idiot.

My band mates and friends think I'm totally over her. I guess I am a better actor than I thought. But on the inside, it’s different. She still has a spell on me, she's still all I can think about.

I’ve never needed someone to be able to breathe. Not until now at least.

I had to learn the hard way that some people walk into our lives and physically walk out, but they never really leave.

I hummed weakly to myself, picked up my guitar and sang one of my favorite songs at the moment.

You can rest easy tonight

Everything is going to be alright, I promise.

Go to sleep and dream of me tonight;

Everything may not be perfect,

Happy Endings Are Stories That Haven't Ended Yet.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon