Just Friends?

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Sorry for the wait, here's chapter twelve. Next chapter will be the finale. :-)


Alex’s POV

Today was the big day. Rian and Cassadee are getting married. Everyone got up early (which was nothing like us) and we were all dressed up in suits and ties, with perfect-looking hair and shiny shoes. Classy. I was very excited, although Rian picked Zack as his best man. He said he didn’t wanna take risks with me and Jack cause he knows how immature and goofy we could get. Well, when there’s alcohol, I wouldn’t trust myself either.

But what was exciting the most to me, other than getting wasted, was getting to see Lynn. She was flying in from Spain just to attend the wedding. I admit, I missed her a lot. I missed our lame inside jokes and pretty much everything about her. She was one of my best friends, like a little sister to me.

Jack had asked Rian whether Lynn is coming or not. Rian simply said yes. And Jack put on a smile on his face we hadn’t seen for months. He’s been cheerful and bubbly all this week, counting down the days to see his beloved. He cleaned up pretty well. He shaved, and took three showers between yesterday and today, put on clean underwear (yes, I have noticed, we’re pretty close) and he looked as if he’s the one getting married today.

Soon enough, we had to get to church. The exchange of wedding vows was very romantic, almost everybody was teary-eyed.

“I, Robert Rian Dawson, take you, Cassadee Blake Pope , to be my friend, my lover, the mother of my children and my wife. I will be yours in times of plenty and in times of want, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow, in times of failure and in times of triumph. I promise to cherish and respect you, to care and protect you, to comfort and encourage you, and stay with you, for all eternity.”

After that, we all headed to the buffet outside. There was so much food, and people were attacking it like they’ve been deprived of it for days. But then again, so was I. I looked for Jack, but didn’t see him anywhere. That made me worried, so I finished my delicious French Croissant and went to look for him. No sight of Jack.

To put it simply, he was much better, but NO WHERE NEAR close to recovered. But to elaborate with examples, he was no longer lying around, with a visible stormy cloud over his head, he now began to really laugh, crack jokes, began to become really social... But I still found depressing songs or notes that ended up in the trash bin, found him wanting more quiet moments, becoming deeper as a person.

Whenever I saw him laughing like the old Jack would, I would always watch him, looking for anything -a glint in his eye, a fading smile - that could indicate he was still hurting. I found those signs from time to time, but I was glad with the progress Jack was-


A soft voice called out from behind me. It was Lynn. A wide grin spread across my face. Ahh, seeing her in clothes I've never seen her in, seeing her smile... It was like a cool breeze in the Texas summer heat. It was almost, refreshing to see her. I pulled her into a tight hug. I’ve missed her so much.

And then, before I could say a word to her, I found Jack standing in front of us, waiting for us to finish our hug.

Jack’s POV

It’s been 5 months since Lynn’s departure to Spain, it felt as if she took my heart with her and seeing her again brought it back to its place, inside my chest. 5 months was a long time. She changed so much, she matured, she looked better. I was afraid that she moved on from me, as well. She had the right to; after all, I hurt her so much. But I didn’t like the thought of it because I was still head over heels in love with her.

“Jack” Her voice was slightly above a whisper. The sweetest sound of all, is your own name spoken by the only girl you care about, the girl you’re deeply in love with. I can't even pretend to concentrate on anything else when she smiles at me.

I wasn’t able to speak, seeing her was so overwhelming, there was so many emotions I was feeling right now, I gently took her hand in mine, leaning in to kiss her soft lips.

She pulled away from me.

“Jack..” She breathed.

“I’ve missed you so much, you have no idea. I thought about you every minute of every freakin’ day” I pulled her in for another kiss, but she resisted. Was she still mad at me?

“I’m here for Cass and Rian. I didn’t come back for you.” Her words were stabbing me in the chest. I didn’t come back for you.

“But, I broke up with Holly months ago, we can be together now. I’ve been waiting for this day for months.”

“Me too, you never left my mind all the time I was in Spain. But moving on sounded a lot easier than holding on to something that only brought me pain and tears. What we once had is broken. And sadly, unfixable. I’m sorry Jack.” This hurt a lot more than I expected it. I couldn’t handle more heart break, it was too much.

“But I love you. I love you so much. I’ve been so miserable without you, don’t do this to me. Please, I’m begging you.” I chocked on my tears, feeling them escaping from my eyes.

She swallowed her tears, looking uncomfortable. “Jack..” she started. “I love you, I really do. But, I don’t want you to get the wrong idea… I, I have a boyfriend now.”

What?! She has a boyfriend?! No, no, NO. That was what I feared the most. She moved on, she started a new life with someone else. The thought of her being in someone else’s arms, kissing someone else’s lips ripped my heart out and threw it on the ground.

“That’s.. cool, I guess.” Was all I could say. I turned around to walk away. I wanted to leave, go to my room, scream and cry, let it all out. But I pulled my shit together, I didn’t wanna ruin the day for Rian.

“Hey Jack?” She called out to me before I turned to face her again. “Can we stay friends?” She exclaimed. I could tell this was hard for her. Friends? But I didn’t wanna be just friends. She’s mine, not some random Spanish dude’s. I wanted to say no. My head was telling me to say no, everything in me wanted to say no, walk away and forget her for good. But something, there was something, that little annoying voice that wanted me to say yes.

“I’m leaving tomorrow night, I’d like to spend the day with you....as friends” She added.

I nodded, and pulled her in for a hug. “Friends do hug, right?” She smiled and nodded, warmly hugging me back.


Do you think Lynn and Jack can be just friends? Leave me stuff, thanks for reading. Xo

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