Chapter 30 {Emma's POV}

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A/N: Just so everyone know's before reading this chapter go and read chapter 29. I got it up before this one. I didn't realize that my gay phone double posted chapter 28. So I posted chapter 29 on the second posting!!!!!!!


{Emma's POV}

I looked down at my feet and shuffled from one foot to the other. 'Why did I ask Brian to stay and talk to me again? Oh yeah to tell him I'm not out to hurt his friend's' I thought to myself.

I heard Brian clear his throat, I looked up at him. Big mistake there, he was makeing me even more nervous now. His stance was one of someone who was intimadating. He stood there with his legs apart, his tattooed arms folded, and a frown.

"So...ummm about" I said nervously, trailing off.

I looked at Brian again and he had both eyebrow's raised.

" anyway's....yeah about....about" I sputtered out.

'URGH' I screamed mentally

I took a deep breath and tried again "Look I....I just...about"

I heard Brian an annoyed sigh. I looked up and saw Brian scowling at me. I mean a real scowl. Jesus could he be any more intimadating.

"I just...I want you...what happened" I mumbled, glareing down at my feet again.

'GOD Emma just spit it out already' I thought to myself.

"God woman are you going to spit it out or what? I don't have all night, you know? I do have a sound check to get to" Brian asked irritated.

"Why do you hate me so much? What have I ever done to you, huh? I mean ever since I meet you. You've been a cocky, irritating, arse" I spit out, glareing up at him.

"Wow you finally got out more than two words that time" Brian chuckled "That wasn't so hard now was it?"

'God if looks could kill right now' I thought. Because the daggers I throwing at Brian right now. He definately would be dead.

"Emma I don't hate you" Brian sighed, relaxing his stance.

"You don't?" I asked, stopping the evil looks.

"No I don't" Brian replied "I just don't want to see my friends get hurt. Especially Matt, he got burned bad by Val"

"Good. I mean good we have an understanding. Look I'm not out to hurt your friends or get between them" I said.

"Good, because there my family and I'll stand up for them" Brian said

"Good" I said

"Great" Brian replied

"I'm glad we have come to an understanding than" I said.

"Me too" Brian replied

"Great" I said

"Perfect" Brian said, with a smirk

"Spectacular" I grinned at him. Brian lightly chuckled.

"So you ready to go, now that we have that settled?" Brian asked, offering me his arm.

"Yeah" I replied, takeing his arm.

We walked down the steps and stopped at the bottom step.

"Ok welcome to our world and make sure to smile" Brian said.

I looked at Brian confused, but soon figured out what he meant. As soon as we both stepped off the bus, I heard fans screaming. I looked over to the fence and saw fans and reporters takeing picture.

"Smile sweetheart" Brian whispered, in my ear.

I instantly realized what he was doing. Being that I worked closely with the industry. I could play this game also, I slowed down and pulled on Brian's arm. I smirked at Brian, and his eyes held amusement.

"Brian about what you saw earlier" I whispered, smileing.

Brian threw his head back smileing and laughing. I could hear the camera's clicking in the background.

We walked inside the venue and to where the stage was. Matt was standing there talking to one of the Berry brother's. Matt smiled as we walked up and looked at Brian.

"Everything ok?" Matt asked

"Yup and its been done" Brian replied.

Brian let go of my arm and than went to get his sound check.

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