Chapter 46 {Matt's POV}

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{Matt's POV}

My blood was boiling as I went after the people who did that to Emma. All I wanted was to teach them a lesson and beat someones face in. I went in the direction I figured they went in. I finally reached a door and went out it. I saw several people getting into different car's and was going to call out to them. But it was to late.

As one of the car's pulled away the passenger of the car looked at me an smirked. It was one of Emma's friend's or atleast I thought it was a friend. It was that other girl, what was her name, the one from the club. I couldn't remember her name. But what was she doing here and with those assholes.

The door I just came out of flung open and out came Zacky and Brian. I looked at Zacky and looked behind him for Emma.

"I had Johnny take her back to the bus" Zacky said, answering my silent question.

I nodded in response and than crouched down and put my forehead on my knee's.

"You alright man?" Zacky asked.

"Yeah I suppose" I replied.

"Well we might as well head back to the bus" Brian said.

"You guy's go on ahead. I'm just....I need sometime to think thing's through" I sighed, standing up.

"You want some company man?" Zacky asked.

I was about to tell him I would be fine. But that would be a lie. Because honestly I didn't know if I was.

"Did I miss something?" Brian asked, confused.

"Yeah dumb-dumb opened his big mouth here and let his feeling's spill out to Emma" Zacky laughed.

"Shut It Vengeance" I grumbled.

"Is that a bad thing?" Brian asked, still confused.

"Infront of everybody. He....he let the 'L' word out" Zacky said laughing harder.

"Oooooh" Brian said, with a smirk "So she know's now than"

I sighed and threw my head back, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"I need a drink" I said, looking at my two friend's who were still laughing at me.

We all walked down the street to a bar that wasn't to far from the arena. When we sat we ordered a round of beer's. When the waitress came back she tried to flirt with me but I wasn't paying attention. No one else mattered to me except Emma.

"Man what's up? What seem's to be the problem with Emma knowing the truth now?" Brian asked.

"I just....Thats not how I wanted to tell her...I mean maybe its just to soon" I sighed, playing with the label on the bottle.

"I mean saying you love someone isn't really telling them your feeling's right?" I asked.

"Man you want to know what I think?" Brian asked seriously.

"Yeah" I nodded

"I think your thinking about it to much. I think that Val pulled such a number on you and put you through so much shit. That your afraid man. Your afraid to open up. Your afraid to let someone in again. You want to keep this just 'professional' attitude. But Emma's not Val, Matt. Emma's not going to screw you over. I believe Emma loves you just as much as you love her. Zacky sorry man but what you and Emma had was just lust. But Matt what you and Emma have is Love" Brian said, takeing a drink of beer.

"Agreed" Zacky said

Me and the guy's spent three hour's at the bar. When we left it was pitch black out.

"Shit, our show. You think short shit let everyone know the show was cancelled?" I slurred.

"Well I hope so" Brian grumbled

We made our way back to the bus. Climbing on the bus, we came face to face with a bunch of concered faces and two very irritated faces. I looked around for Emma and didn't see her.

"Where's Emma?" I asked, looking at Trista.

"What does it matter Matt?" Gena snapped.

"Gena not now" I sighed, rubbing my temples.

"No what about Val, Matt?" Gena snapped again.

"What about Val? Gena. Val and I are finished" I snapped back, getting irritated.

"You are one self-centered..." Gena started.

"Save it Gena" I snapped

"Emma went to bed a couple of hour's ago" Trista replied quietly.

"I'm going to go to bed" I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck.

I headed back to the back and could hear everybody argueing. I quietly walked into Emma's room and locked the door. I pulled my shirt off and crawled into Emma's bed slowly not wanting to wake her. I put my arm around her and pulled her to my body. I kissed the back of her neck.

"I love you Emma" I whispered, falling asleep.

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