Chapter 69 {Emma, Matt & Zacky's POV'S}

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"Alright I have to go for real this time Matt. I love you," I said, kissing him again.

"Ok I guess I'll let you go. Have fun tonight, but not too much fun. Don't forget tomarrow your going to be Mrs. Sanders. And I love you too," he said, pulling me to him for another kiss.

"Alright. Alright you two break it up. You two disgust me, save it for tomarrow. But she really needs to get going Matthew," Trista interrupted us, grabbing onto my wrist and pulling me away.

"But why?" he whined, and pouted.

"Matthew you can and will have Emma all to yourself after tomarrow," Trista answered.

"Alright see you later baby," he said, sending me a wink.

"You'll see her tomarrow, when she walks down the aisle" Trista answered, pulling me out the door.

"BYEEEEEEE," I called over my shoulder.

"Ok, ok Trista, that was rude" I said, pulling my wrist from her grip once we were outside.

"Sorry but you guy's were being sickeningly cute. We have somewhere to be. You guy's can be sickeningly cute tomarrow," Trista replied, hopping in the car.

Trista drove us to Tuna Town a restaurant owned by David Silveria who used to be a drummer for Korn and good friends with Matt. He gave us a discount for renting a room in the restaurant for the bacholarette party there. Thank god for small favors and friends. The place Trista wanted to get would have cost a whole lot more. We walked into the restaurant and were greeted by the hostess.

"Ms. Alton we've been expecting you. If you'll follow me, I'll show you to the room" the hostess said.

"Ok thank you," I replied.

Trista and I followed the hostess back to the private room we booked. The hostess opened the door for us and as I walked through the door I was shocked at what I saw. The room was beautifully decorated, in blues and purples and white. Trista had done an excellent job at decorating. The next thing I noticed was the amount of people in the room it was a shock to say the least. I didn't realize that many people coming or that I knew that many people. Looking around I noticed some old friends from Canada that I hadn't seen in years.

"Oh my god Trist, this is....... I have no words for this," I said, getting choked up.

"Awwwww well it's all for you sweetheart. So no tears until tomarrow. So let's relax, kick back, and have fun," Trista replied, smiling.

Trista and I walked into the room and joined the fun . Everyone sat down and talked and laughed and ate the food that was brang out to us. Mrs. Sanders was even there and so was my mother, who for the first time in days had a smile on her face. I looked down at the end of the table where I saw Amy, Zina, Michelle, and even Gena was down there. I was quite shocked to find that Gena was even here. I mean we had gotten along better since her baby shower, but still I didn't think she would show at my bacholarette party. I just hope that she wasn't here to start trouble.

The night ended up going without a hitch. I had a fun night with Trista and everyone else. I even had a good time chatting with Michelle and Gena. After the parental units left, us girls started having the liquor flowing.



I was standing outside the club we had rented smoking a cigarette. I had a really bad bad feeling about tonight. And even worse was I was to chicken shit to tell Val off at my house earlier. I can't believe I told her where we were having the bacholar party at.

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