Chapter 50 {Emma's POV}

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{Emma's POV}

I don't know why I was so scared or nervous to ask Matt back to my parent's. I guess part of me was just nervous Matt wouldn't like them and therefore not like me anymore. Or that my parent's wouldn't like Matt. I wasn't really one to bring guy's home back in high school. Well I had only really dated Brad back in high school. So Brad was really the only guy I had brought home to meet my parent's.

As I drove back to Owen Sound. Matt grabbed my free hand and held onto it. Watching out the window and watching the scenery go by.

As we pulled up at my parent's house. I became more and more nervous. I could feel my hands starting to sweat. I pulled my hand from Matt's. Matt turned and pouted at me. I had to giggle at that.

"I have to get out of the van Mattie" I said.

"Or you could just keep hold of my hand and climb out this way" Matt replied, leaning over and pecking my lip's.

I became disorienteded for a few seconds just by the tingles Matt sent through me everytime he kissed me. I hadn't even noticed he had gotten out of the van and come over to the driver's side until the door opened.

"You just going to sit out here in the cold or are you going to come inside?" Matt asked chuckleing, and holding out his hand.

I looked at his hand and than at my parent's house. I gulped loudly and could feel the nerves comeing back.

"How about we just go back to your hotel?" I asked, pleadingly.

"Emma come on it won't be so be bad" Matt sighed.

"Room service" I said

"No" Matt replied

"We could stay in bed all day" I said, wiggleing my eyebrow's in a suggestive way.

Matt seemed to consider it for a minute and I was sure I had won. Matt looked at the house and than back at me.

"Nope" Matt said, popping the 'P'.

"Mattie, please please please" I begged.

"Emma" Matt sighed, shakeing his head.

I thought I should try a different tatic with him.

"Please Mattie, I've missed you so much" I said seductively, running a finger down his chest and batting my eyelashes.

I saw his resolve breaking down and knew I had him now. I glanced quickly at the house door and saw my mother standing in the open doorway.

"Shit" I hissed

"Thought you had me didn't you?" Matt chuckled.

"Maybe we could act like we had the wrong house and still escape" I said quickly, glanceing up at the door again.

"Emmalena bring yourself and your guest in this house before you freeze" my mother called.

"Shit" I hissed again.

Matt pulled me out of the van and before I knew what was happening, threw me over his shoulder. Causeing me to gasp. Matt wrapped one of his arms around the back of my knee's and his other hand smacked my ass.

"Matthew Charles Sander's put me down this instant" I hissed, hitting his back.

Matt just chuckled and started walking toward's the house. Before I knew it we were walking up the front step's of the house. Matt set me down on the front porch. I stood up straight and tried to blance myself from being partially upside down. I pushed my shirt back down and pushed my hair out of my face.

I glared up at Matt and knew my cheek's were still red from the blood rushing to my head.

"Hi I'm Matt. You must be Mrs. Alton" Matt said, holding out his hand.

I turned to look at my mother. She was looking Matt up and down. Than had a huge smile break out across her face.

"Yes I'm Catherine" my mom responded, shakeing Matt's hand.

"Well come in, come in. Lets not freeze out here" my mom said, giveing me a pointed look.

Matt smiled at my mom and headed inside. As I went to walk past my mom she grabbed my arm to stop me.

"He's delicious" my mom whispered.

My jaw dropped open and I stared disbelieveing at my mother.

"Mom" I hissed, shooting a look at Matt.

"What he is dear" my mom said, patting my shoulder.

We both stepped in the front hallway and my mom closed the front door. Matt was standing there waiting for us. I went over to stand next to him. Matt put an arm around my shoulder and smiled at me.

"Jack dear, there here" my mother called.

I inwardly groaned at the thought of my father meeting Matt. My mother may approve of Matt, but my father was a different story. I could hear his footstep's comeing closer. I started getting nerveous again.

"Emma" my dad said, smileing at me "and guest"

I saw my dad give Matt a once over and wasn't sure of his thoughts on Matt.

"Mr. Alton sir, I'm Matt" Matt said, holding out his free hand.

"Nice to finally meet you son. My daughter talk's highly of you" my dad said, shakeing his hand.

I felt my cheek's turning red from embarrasement. Matt looked down at me and smiled. I tried to smile back, hopeing it didn't look like a grimace.

"Good thing's I hope" Matt said, looking back at my dad.

My dad only grunted in response. I shot my dad a look.

"Actually sir I was wondering if I could speak to you alone?" Matt asked.

I felt my jaw go slack again

"Sure" my dad replied, nodding in the direction of his office.

Matt kissed the side of my head and let go of me. Than headed down the hallway toward's where my father had indecated. I went over to my dad and grabbed his arm as he turned around.

"Be nice dad" I said quietly

"Aren't I alway's?" my dad asked.

I gave him a pointed look and watched as him and Matt went into his office. I followed my mother into the kitchen and waited for Matt to come back.

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