Chapter 3

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I sat there perched on the sofa having a conversation with my best friend over the phone. I was basically arguing with her trying to get her not to come over.

Jayce had now been living here for a week and I had successfully avoided either seeing him or being left alone in a room with him if we were home at the same time. Most of the time I hid out at my web design company. I had started it while I was in my early twenties and had now established it to where I didn't really need to work if I didn't want to. It was a small business but I had enough faithful employees to run it in my absence and it paid the bills with a decent amount leftover to live comfortably.

I had also kept Beth away from him in fear that she would let something slip or just humiliate me. She was that one best friend that you confided everything to, not that I as a female could have been able to keep that dirty secret all to myself. Sex that amazing with such a youthful Adonis was way too juicy to not share.

I think she also liked living vicariously through me even though she was a year younger than myself. Beth never had men looking at her the way they stared at me. She had made the mistake at a young age to frequently use tanning beds which only aged her appearance. It made her look like a wrinkled prune at thirty-four. You could tell underneath she use to be quite beautiful with her thick natural blonde hair, hourglass figure, and emerald green eyes but ruined it with the fears of trying to hold onto her youth. She had accomplished the opposite by destroying her skin from lying under florescent tubes year after year.

I had been fortunate enough to have a natural olive skin tone never needing or wanting to tan. I was half Asian and half Irish somehow having the end results of looking Hispanic. People were constantly mistaking my nationality speaking to me in Spanish. My response would always be, Huh?" with my jaw dropped and a dumbfounded expression covering my face. That usually seemed to get them to start speaking English instead and realize I was a different nationality.

When I was a teenager I worked part time in the mall at a wireless company selling cell phones in a highly populated Hispanic area. I would be approached at least once a day by someone trying to talk to me in a foreign language. My co-workers found it amusing even making a Maria name tag instead of my actual name for fun. Every once in awhile I would wear it just for kicks to see what kind of reactions I could get. The best one was when I did my stupefied, "Huh?" and the man looked down pointing at my name tag, "but Maria?" he spoke with his strong accent looking completely boggled. My reaction was, "Yeah, still not Spanish dude."

My younger sister came off looking Italian not having to endure the constant hola's and explaining her heritage like I did. God really works in mysterious ways. Some siblings can come off looking almost identical where in our situation we didn't even look related. I was pissed when she stole my Id and got it taken. Bouncers don't wear beer goggles little sis, that's only reserved for the people in the bar not the ones standing at the door.

Now back to Beth. She had been nagging me all week to see Jayce in person since I had described him to her and the experience that we had shared. When I told her that he was staying here for awhile she literally started making her way to her car to drive over until I was able to talk her out of coming over. It would have looked really peculiar for one of my friends to stop over on a weeknight at 11:30 pm considering I had actually been going into work all week. Beth didn't need an excuse for being up and about during all hours not needing rest. She was currently separated from her fourth husband living relaxed with no job strictly off of alimony checks. It was because she liked to frequently marry and divorce so often that led us to meeting. I had met her through her second husband. Michael was one of my first employees but eventually left when his relationship crumbled with Beth and mine and hers flourished. It was too uncomfortable for him to have his boss be buddy buddy with his ex-wife so he resigned and went to another company.

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