Chapter 2: Where is the teacher?

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'I really hope that she's okay.' I thought as I entered my first class. Most of the desks were full already, so I had to take a seat in the back. I glanced around the room, looking for the chemistry teacher. It was unlike her to be late.

I frowned, thinking about what had happened to Max moments before. Something wasn't right. Even if it had been some perfume, I was the one who was allergic to that kind of stuff. Not her. Yet, for a minute there, I thought she was just going to pass out.

A single tone rang out in the classroom before a loud voice came over the intercom.

'Morning announcements.' I thought tiredly, 'where's Mrs. Rodgers?'

"Good morning Forestry High! Welcome to your favorite day of the week! Friday! Today we have cheese pizza for lunch, with a side of apple sauce...."

I groaned, 'Seriously? Apple sauce? With pizza? That's just gross.'

My classmates also disapproved, one guy even decided to flip off the intercom. Nice.

Soon after the announcements ended, a tall man walked through the open door. His blonde hair was neatly combed back; a pair of wire glasses framed his brown eyes. He wore a plain dress-shirt and tie. A gray trench coat was tucked neatly under one arm.

"Hello class." He said cheerfully, "You're teacher is...absent today. So, I will be your substitute. You can call me Mr. Damond."

He walked calmly over to Mrs. Rodgers' desk and draped his coat over her chair. He turned to face the class, his eyes carefully studying everyone's face.

I frowned, 'there's that smell again.'

I quickly covered my nose. 'What is that? Is it coming from him?'

He paused when he looked at me. A small flash of light reflected off his glasses. He quickly turned away.

'Okay. That was weird.' I thought, lowering my hand. The smell was still there, but it was weaker. I inhaled deeply, trying to figure out what it was. It was an odd smell. Not bad, not even really that strong, but it was strange. It almost seemed...familiar.

Then it hit me. 'It smells like frost.'

My frown deepened as I thought in confusion. Wondering how exactly something could smell so cold...and still be warm.

The class went by slowly. Mr. Damond handed out worksheets to the first row, who passed the papers back to the people behind them until everyone had one. I skimmed through the page, not particularly interested. Most of it was just a review of the previous chapter.

'If Max was here, she'd make paper airplanes and try to fly them into the trash can while the sub's back was turned.' The thought made me smile.

I sat and completed the worksheet. Finishing it within half an hour. I looked up as the girl in front of me stood and handed her paper to Mr. Damond. He smiled appreciatively before motioning for her to return to her seat.

I waited for her to sit down, then I stood to return my own paper. His eyes immediately locked onto mine. Though he seemed nice enough, something inside of me whispered that he was trouble. I cautiously stepped forward.

"Here." I said quietly, holding out the thin white sheet.

His eyes flickered behind his glasses. "Thank you." he said politely. "And what's your name? I'm using the worksheets for attendance." He explained.

I shifted slightly, "uh...Liz."

He smiled, "Are you feeling okay Liz? I noticed earlier that you were covering your face. Did someone hurt you? Or, perhaps, it was a certain...smell?" His mouth curved into a smile as he said the last word.
"..I.." I said quickly, the feeling of unease growing.

He leaned forward in my teacher's chair, his eyes full of anticipation.

"No. I just accidentally bumped into somebody in the hallway. I hit their shoulder pretty hard, but I'm fine now." I said, trying to sound authentic.

"Oh." He said, disappointment clear in his voice, "Well, in that case, you should really be more aware of your surroundings. You never know what might show up around corners."

"Right. I'll be more careful. Thanks." I said, thinking to myself that his words sounded more like a threat than just some advice.

"Goodbye...Liz." He said just as the bell went off. Not wanting to stay any longer than I had to, I nodded once and quickly walked out the door.

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