Chapter 12: Royal pain

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Warning. Incoming message from author. Skip if you must, I know most of you do anyway....

Surprise! I just wanted to celebrate hitting the 100 reads mark! Somebody grab the confetti box. Thank you all for being awesome, and don't forget to vote and comment!

Back to the story...

Liz's P.O.V.

Once we passed through the gate we said our goodbyes to Joe and his horse Jasper and wondered down the streets. Many people of different ages and sizes shuffled from place to place. Small stands made of blankets and wood sold valuables of many kinds. We passed a man who was shouting about his produce, claiming that his apples would keep away evil spirits. The smell of food made my mouth water.

"We should have brought food with us..." Shadow mumbled.

"Yeah. Or at least some money." I agreed.

Shadow shook her head. "I don't think that would have helped us. Joe mentioned something about 'bits', so the currency here must be different."

A horse drawn cart carrying pots clattered past us.

"So. You have a different name too?" Shadow said stiffly, I flinched.


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was going to, but every time I tried to tell you somebody else would show up. Then I just forgot..." I said quickly, not liking the hurt sound of my friend's voice. I felt horrible for not telling her.

"It's okay." She said, patting me on the head, "We shouldn't use our old names while we're here anyway. You were smart, and besides," She smiled at me. "I kinda like Tenshi."

I smiled back, relived that she had forgiven me so quickly. "You do?"

Shadow nodded, "It does mean 'angel' in Japanese. I think it suits you."

"You understand Japanese?"

Shadow shrugged, "Apparently, yes."

We continued to wonder, but mostly we gawked at the merchandise. I couldn't believe how much stuff was there! Everything was brightly colored and handcrafted. Thick rugs with spiral patterns, clay sculptures, so many things.

Shadow stopped to look at a rainbow feathered bird in a cage. I stepped up beside her. The bird had purple eyes, and... was that a tail?

I watched in wonder as the tailed bird's feathers turned white.

"That's a heart swallow. They change color according to the pureness of a person's heart." The seller stepped up to us. "Not many people will get them to turn white like that." He said, impressed.

The bird looked at Shadow and flicked it's tail. My friend took a step back, a look of unease on her face. The seller inhaled sharply as half of the birds feathers turned black.

He stared at Shadow. "I've seen all the colors, all the way up to a pure black...but this..." He lowered his voice, "You're a splitter, aren't you?"

I moved beside my friend, "What's a splitter?"

The seller ignored me.

Shadow kept her eyes locked onto his. "I'm not familiar with that term."

"Keep your temper in check." He advised before turning away. No longer interested in our possible business.

"I'll have to ask Fate about that one later." Shadow mumbled. I silently agreed. I looked back at the black and white bird, and shivered.

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