Chapter 15: Hunger

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    Glistening tender meat sat on a silver platter, an apple in it's mouth. Freshly cut greens encircled the fattened roast. Mashed potatoes accompanied this dish, buttered to perfection. Other foods were also invited to the table, but I could care less. My mouth watered at the smell of the finely cooked meat. I hadn't eaten seance the day before, and I felt like I wanted to tear the pig apart.

  ...starting with the stomach. 


  I blinked, tearing my eyes away from the feast in front of us. Tenshi was giving me a worried look. "Are you okay?" She asked cautiosly.

  I shook my head, slightly disturbed over the thoughts in my head. 'Why had I thought that?' I wondered.

  "Yeah. Just hungry." I answered, smiling reassuringly at my friend. 

  "I'll say! Your drooling all over yourself!" Evan said, pointing. 

  I quickly wiped my jaw with the back of my hand, "You would do the same thing if..."

  I trailed off. Frowning, I gently brushed my hand against my mouth a second time. Then quickly dropped my hand, hoping that no one had noticed. 

  My teeth had become sharper.

  "If what?" The prince asked tauntingly.

  I rolled my eyes, "Nothing,  forget it. A spoiled brat like you doesn't even know what hungry is."

  A servant girl pulled a chair out for Eve.

  "You should be more like your sister. At least she's nice and considerate." I said flatly.

  The small girl looked up, confused. Evan glared at me, "Well at least she doesn't drool all over the place like some sort of dog!" 

  I freeze, and so does Tenshi. 

 After a long moment of silence, I chuckle awkwardly. My friend gives me a concerned look. 

 "Your right, I am a dog."I say calmly. 

  Tenshi gave me a shocked look. She hadn't expected me to say that so openly. But I knew people, kids especially, and I knew that if you agreed to something strange quickly enough that they would think it wasn't truthful. That it was a joke.

  Besides, it wasn't like I told them exactly what I was. Saying 'dog' was an understatement.

  Evan laughed, giving me the cue that I had been correct. I smirked, sending a devilish look to my friend. She now owed me two chocolate bars. 

  Tenshi rolled her eyes, giving me a 'yeah-yeah-yeah-whatever' look.

  We were allowed permission to eat with the two royal children sense we were their 'caretakers', (Apparently other lesser servants couldn't.) I sat down next to the annoying prince, and Tenshi was seated next to Eve, across from me. While eating, I couldn't help but think of home. I missed the way Debra would crack out inappropriate jokes, ones that flew completely over Sam's head.  I missed Sam's constant superhero references. I thought of how they didn't know about what really happened to me. The thought of me telling them made me sick. What would they do? They definitely wouldn't believe me, they'd probably thought that I've gone mad and send me to a mental hospital. 

  'what if I have gone crazy?' I thought,starting to cut my meat absentmindedly. 'What if this is just an illusion, and I'm in a coma.' My knife slipped do to me putting to much pressure on the tender meat, and cut into my hand. I droped the knife, it made a loud clattering on the porcelain plate, and winced. Everyone looked up at me as I pulled back my injured hand.

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