Chapter 4: Taking control

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I'm surrounded by darkness. The air around me is cold, I can smell it. "Uhg." My head throbbed.

"Oh, good. Your finally here."

I jumped, "What?! Who's there?"

"And you can understand me, how intriguing!" A hollow voice laughed menacingly.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked, straining my eyes to try to see the owner of the voice. It was no use, it was too dark.

"Who am I? That's a great question...hmmm... I'm you." It answered.

I stepped back in confusion, "Me?"

It laughed again, "Well not exactly, I'm your other half. Your reflection. But you can call me Rage."

I frowned, "I'm dreaming."

"Yes, and no. Your somewhere in between. This is my place, please, make yourself comfortable."

I raised an eyebrow, 'This person is nuts.'

"How amusing, calling your own reflection nuts! I knew I liked you!" Rage said happily.

I blinked, 'She can read my mind?'

"Well, naturally. I am a part of you, and your in my world."

"And sense you said that your my reflection, does that mean I'm in a mirror?" I asked dryly.

"What a sense of humor you have there." She answered, "No, I already told you. Currently you are in between reality, and disillusion. Though, I think that the people in your world call it a coma. Even though that's not what it is."

"Why am I here? What do you want with me?" I asked cautiously.

She snickered, "Oh, nothing much. Just your soul."

"My...soul?" I stepped back further.


I froze as a cold arm wrapped around my chest. "I want you. I want to feel your pain, your lungs as they take in precious air, I become you completely. To take your place."

Cold air hit the back of my neck in short breaths, making my hair stand up. "No." I said firmly.


"I said no." I repeated calmly, "you might be my other half, but I can tell that you're not good. You'll only hurt the people that I care about. I won't let you do that."

"But you misunderstand, I want to become whole. We can share. And as for the people you care about...didn't they betray you? Didn't he take away what you loved most?"

I stiffened, "Shut, up."

"Humans are so unpredictable. They can love you one day, then stab you in the back the next morning. Your sooo much better than that." Her cold hand gripped my shirt tightly.

"I don't care what you think. I'm not helping you." I said darkly. Rage chuckled softly.

"You don't even know what you are..." She cooed, "You don't really believe that your human, do you?"

The air become increasingly cold, making me shiver. "What are you talking about? Of course I'm human."

"Hmm, I can't blame you for believing that. After all, you've been sealed in a human body sense birth."

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