Chapter 10: Traveling

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Liz's P.O.V.

She was late.

I shifted uncomfortably on my spot on the old abandoned roof. Moss covered the thin shingles, and I had to be careful where I stepped. It had been awhile sense we used this meeting place.

Max and I had found this old cabin soon after we had met. I was twelve and she had been thirteen. She failed that school year, just so we would be in the same grade. Now I was fifteen.

I wondered if Max had known anything then.


I jump slightly as a twig breaks somewhere close. I pause. "Mew." I call softly.


I smile as I slide off the low end of the roof. Shadow was leaned against the wall waiting for me. I gasp when I see her.

She gives me an odd look, "What, am I that ugly?"

"No. It's just," I said slowly. "Your eyes are kind of strange in the dark. They glow like an animal's."

Shadow sighs, "I know. I saw my reflection before I left the house."

It gets awkwardly silent. I look at my feet.

"So what now?" I ask timidly.

My friend steps away from the crumbling building. "Not sure." She answers.

I blink. 'She doesn't know how to do it.' I thought.

Shadow reaches into her loose black coat and pulls out the book she got at the hospital. I watch quietly as she scans a page, wondering if she could read it in the dark.

"Looks like all we have to do is hold hands." She says.

I tilt my head in confusion, "That's it?"

"Yep. Fate does the hard part."

"What if it doesn't work?"

"Then I own you an ice cream cone."


"That's the kind you like."

I smile happily; she rarely ever had to repay me. I secretly hoped that it wouldn't work. "You know me so well." I said cheerfully.

Shadow chuckled and held out her hand, "Come on. Lets see who owes who."

I grabbed her hand without hesitation, "Bring it on. I want my ice cream."

"Oh, and Liz?" She started.


"You might want to close your eyes."

I close them like she says, the feeling of unease beginning to enter my mind. 'What if it actually does work?'

My hand began to tingle, making my heart jump with excitement and worry. The sensation quickly spread up my arm and continued until my whole body was covered in it. My hand trembled slightly, I felt Shadow squeeze it reassuringly.

The ground suddenly jerked to the side. I gasped as we both fell into nothing, desperately reaching for my friend. I feel my friend wrap her arms around me protectively. I hold my breath, afraid to speak.

I cried out in surprise we crash back into the ground.


I opened my eyes. I was on top of Shadow.

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