Chapter 5: On the run

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"She-you heard that?" I asked, quickly catching myself from mentioning Rage.

My head throbbed as Rage laughed historically.

"You see? You no longer have a choice. I will have control!" She said happily.

Liz stood in front of me, anger clear in her eyes.

'Why is she so mad at me? I'm only trying to protect her...' I thought in confusion.

"Because she is human. All of them are the same, she only wanted you to think that she was your friend...See her eyes? She's going to hit you..."

"No." I mumbled aloud.

"Yes. She hates you." Rage said darkly, "but I can stop her. I can protect you, I can make them pay..."

I sank to the ground, clutching my head, "No, she wouldn't. She wouldn't. She..."

I rocked back and forth, repeating that sentence.

"We can make them all pay."

"Max?" Gentle hands touched my shoulders. "Max, please. I don't like seeing you this way."

I looked up into Liz's eyes, they were full of worry. Rage's furious shouts faded from my mind.

"Who is bothering you so much?" Liz asked.

I leaned my head back onto the wall.

"I..., (sigh) please don't think I'm crazy."

Liz blinked, "After everything that's happened today? Not a chance."

I smiled lightly, "I knew I was right about you."


"Well, that sort of explains it." Liz said, taking a large bite out of her pizza.

"But I still don't get what that sub has to do with it."

I stare at my friend, "You actually believe me?"

She nods, "Yeah, I do. You've never lied to me, even if you thought it would hurt my feelings."

I smiled, thankful to have her to trust. I looked down at my lunch thoughtfully.


"Hm?" I looked back at Liz.

"I was thinking about what you told me, and..., even though you don't think it's true ...what if Rage was telling you the truth? What if your not human?" She asked quietly.

I stayed silent, letting her question sink in.

"It doesn't matter." I finally answered.

Liz gave me a questioning look.

"It doesn't matter if I'm human or not. I'm not going to change." I said firmly.

Liz smiled at me. Then suddenly jumped up and grabbed my pizza.

"Hey, what are you-"

"Eat!" Liz said, shoving the pizza in my face.

"But I'm not-"

"EAT!" She shoved the slice into my mouth.

"Wow, this is new." Jake sat his tray next to mine, "You two have completely switched roles."

I shot him a blank look, the pizza hanging from my mouth. He laughed.

"Merfle uffy?"


I removed cheesy food and took a sip of chocolate milk. "Ugh. What's up?"

Jake sat down, "I-uh. Just wanted to make sure you were okay."

Liz looked from Jake to me, then back again.

"I feel a little better now." I replied, waving my hand dismissively.

"That's good. Your report was great too, by the way." He said, his voice sounding strange to me.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just don't be telling everyone about it. I worked hard to earn the reputation of a slacker; I wouldn't want it to all go to waste." I took another drink of milk.

I looked over at Liz, who had gone oddly quiet.

"What?" I asked, seeing the strange grin on her face.

She laughed, "Oh, nothing. Nothing at all."

I raised an eyebrow. 'She's definitely up to something.' I thought tiredly.

The three if us sat and chatted about upcoming events in the school. Me being almost clueless to everything, sense I rarely ever cared about such things.

I sighed, my inner clock telling me that it wouldn't be long before the end of lunch. I stand up to throw my tray away, my food was barely touched.

As I made my way to the trash can, I reviewed the day's events.

'This morning only me and Liz noticed the strange aroma, and from what I know, and what Liz has told me. Mr. Damond must have had something to do with it.

'He also knows about my 'other half', and from what it sounds like, Rage must have found a way to communicate with him.

'Does that mean that he's not from this world? And if so, why travel so far to come after me? So many things aren't adding up...'

I froze, sensing someone coming up behind me. Before I had time to think, my body moved on it's own.

I blinked in surprise. I stood over a young freshman; my hand was clamped around her throat. She looked up at me with wide, horrified eyes.

"Heheheh..." Rage giggled in my mind, "I told you it was too late."

Liz jumped up from the table, "max!"

I fought desperately to pull my hand away, but it only tightened. I was choking her.

'Stop it!' I mentally yelled at Rage, 'She can't breathe!'

The girl gasped for breath. Her hands clawed at mine. Other students crowded around, shouting out for me to stop.

"Let her go!" Liz suddenly pushed through the crowd. Somehow, I knew that she hadn't yelled at me, she was talking to Rage. My hand loosened slightly.

"No! Not again! What is that girl? Kill her!" Rage shouted, once again I had the overwhelming need for sleep. I felt like something was trying to drag me down.

Remembering the last time, I struggled to stay awake. I saw my hand release the girl's neck.

"You." Rage's voice spoke to Liz from my mouth, "You're the reason why she won't accept me."
My foot stepped towards my friend.

"Max, I'm sorry about this..." Liz said. "Wha-" Rage was cut off as my friend slapped me. Hard.

"Ow... I felt that." I said, rubbing my stinging cheek. 'Wait, I'm back! I can move!' I thought happily.

My smile disappeared, however. Everyone was glaring at me. I turned around; the freshman that I had been choking was coughing. Someone was helping her up.

"Dude what the hell is wrong with you?"

"Where's a teacher? This chick is nuts."

"She didn't even do anything to her..."

I stepped back. Horrified at what I had done.

"See? You see? They hate you! They think you're a monster!"

'Shut up! You're the one who did this!' I looked back at Liz, remembering how Rage had wanted to kill her.

I clenched my fists. "I'm sorry..."

I ran through the crowd, ignoring Liz's shouts.

I pushed through the front doors and ran outside.

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