Chapter 1: First Day of Freshman Year

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Prince Gumball's POV:

Well, Freshman year, High school, the four years that matter. The Land Of Aaa High School is known to be one of the best schools with a science lab that is more than the best of all of Aaa, possibly better than Ooo's. Ooo High School is our rival High School. They always tie with us in competitions, science, math, all those educational stuff. But when it comes in the musical compartment, they always kick our bubble-butts in that. This year, I will try my hardest to join in the Science club and help them win more competitions. 

Usually a Prince would stay home and do home schooling, but I figure I would actually like to get to know the other scientists in the Land of Aaa. I walk into school, there is barely anyone here, due to the fact that it's early in the day. From what I have experienced in middle school, no one wants to show up early to school. There are at least three or six people from what I can tell, otherwise if anyone else is around, they are somewhere else in the school. 

I walk towards the science room, which is a hallway down from the music room. As I walk by I hear guitar strings being played, playing a familiar tune. It's a tune I have heard back in middle school. Then came the lyrics that really caught my ears."Why did you leave me? You created me. So don't you want to see me? Why did you make me, if you weren't going to take me?" It's a smooth like voice, someone who is also in pain, sorrowed. I take a glance through the window of the practice room door, and there he was. A young man named Marshall Lee, The Vampire King. Yes, he out ranks me and comes to school. He's changed a bit over the summer. He's gotten grayer, his hair has grown a bit more, and his voice is becoming a bit more pained than it use to be.

I don't know his story exactly, I have just run into him in the halls or have heard him play. I have heard what others say about him, that he doesn't exactly have a family like most do. And that song he tends to play is towards his mother, who, rumor has it, is the Queen of the Nightosphere. This is also his freshman year. He tends to be the loner of our class, what I mean by that is he has a bit of trouble making friends. Well what with his rudeness and cocky attitude, it would make it hard to be friends with him. I know I can barely stand him. 

I notice he stops playing and starts to fix one of the strings, and then turns towards my direction. We end up locking eyes. I am unable to look away as I notice how red his eyes are. He glares right at me, making me feel a bit uncomfortable, then he hisses. His hissing causes me to jump and I rush off. 

I head into the science room, where some other scientists in the school are. "Hello!" A man that looks to be the teacher greets me. "You must be Prince Gumball." He shakes my hand. "We are very pleased to have you in our science room. I hear that you even wish to join our club and compete." He states.

"That's right." I state and take a look around the room. "I hear that Ooo High School always somehow manages to tie with The Land Of Aaa High School in the competitions." 

"Yes they do. But the more we get the better we become." The teacher states. 

"Great." I reply with a smile. This day just may seem to get better. 

Marshall Lee's POV:

I have been here for an hour or so, the first place I go is the music room, where I can be alone, and play my guitar. I start playing the first song that comes into my mind. The one I wrote about my mother. Then there's a slip of a note, ending up more flat than anything. "Crud!" I hiss. "It always turns out to be flat at that part." I get a feeling of someone watching me as soon as I start to fix the string. I look to see a familiar pink skinned and haired guy. The one they call Prince Gumball, I don't bother with him, since he is under me, I am a king and he is a prince, I just don't have time to deal with someone as spoiled as he is. 

I glare at him for awhile, watching him watch me, and then finally I hiss at him. He jumps and then finally runs off, leaving me alone in peace. Glob, why can't they all just leave me alone? It's been happening ever since I was placed in public school. Everyone just stares at me, make up stories about me, rumors, and then everyone just judges me before they actually get to know me, so I give them what they want and all they do is sit there and stare. I hate public school, but it is better than being at home.

I hear other band kids start to walk in, wanting to practice, so I grave my guitar, my bag, and start to head out, hoping to leave before they come in, but too late. "Oh hey." One greets. I glare at her and just try to leave. "HEY!" She calls out and stops me. "Where are you going?" She asks. 

"Away from here." I answer, with a hiss. She doesn't move from my path. I groan and start to float over her, but she grabs my ankle and yanks me down. "Hey!" I shout as my bum hits the floor. 

"You're Marshall Lee aren't you?" She asks. 

"Yeah, and what do you want?" I ask, more of demanding to know actually. She looks at me confused and then she is joined by non-other than Flame Prince. "Oh great." I mumble as he walks in. 

"What's going on?" He asks as he notes this girl trapping me in the music room. 

"Marshall Lee was playing his guitar here and I just came in here to grab you a chair, and he just starts storming off so I try to ask him what is his deal and he just kept going." The girl states. I take in what she is wearing and see that she wears a white hat that resembles a bunny, light blue shirt, dark blue skirt, and knee high white socks, she even has a green backpack. I realize who she is as soon as I take in the blonde hair that sticks out of her hat. This is Fionna, the girl that skips class to go out on adventures whenever she pleases. 

"Well that's Marshall Lee for you. He is the loner of our grade and you just need to let him be." Flame Prince explains. I growl at his statement, knowing that I am only like this because of him. He is the reason for everyone spreading rumors about me. 

"Sure, let's stick with that story, after all, it's the story you've been telling since I arrived in public school." I hiss and get back up to my feet. 

"What?" Fionna asks, looking to Flame Prince. 

"I have no idea what he is talking about." He lies, upsetting me even more. 

"Such a liar!" I hiss and storm right out of the room. 

"That's some attitude for a King!" He calls out after me, making me stop in my tracks. I turn around and glare at him.

"You know what!" I hiss and walk up to him. "You are beneath me. You are just a spoiled Prince and I am a King that is just trying to get through life." I state. "I act this way because..." I stop myself before I say anything else. If I were to say why I act this way, then everyone would judge me even more. "Because I can." I hiss. 

"Why don't you just go and suck blood out of a poor animal, or rather an ex of yours?" Flame Prince spits at me. 

"Flame!" I hear the Fionna girl exclaim, utterly shocked. "Stop it!" She orders. 

"You know it was an accident!" I hiss back to him. 

"Oh yes, that's right it was self-defiance." He sarcastically states. 

"You are such a butt!" I shout.

"And you are such a tick!" He shouts back to me. 

"Royal spoiled bratty Prince!" I hiss.

"Selfish King!" He spits right back at me. I am about to say something else but Fionna steps in.

"Guys! Stop!" She jumps in. "This is Freshman year, we need to start getting along." She states, trying to reason with us."

"Look, Fionna, you may not realize this, but your boyfriend here and myself will never get along." I state. "He is beneath me, and I don't even know why I even bother to reason with you." I his at Flame Prince. I turn and float off, not wanting to deal with them anymore than I have to today. I can already tell that today will be a horrible first day. 

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