Chapter 12: Senior Year

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Gumball's POV:

I'm heading home from school, carrying my books, bag, and jacket. The night is warmer than it was the other night. Fionna is with me, walking me home, she thinks I can't handle myself. "So have you heard from Marshall?" She asks. I shake my head.

"Nope." I now say.

"When is he coming back?" She asks. Fionna is clueless of Marshall's full punishment.

"I don't know." I lie, trying not to sound like I was depressed, again.

"Oh...okay." She replies, sounding disappointed.

"Well this is my stop, I'll uh see you tomorrow." I state, realizing where we are. Fionna nods, fist pumps and then walks back towards here own place. I walk into my Kingdom, head straight for my Castle, and up into my bedroom. Where I place my backpack by my desk, and sit there. I pul out all of my homework for today, but find trouble wanting to actually focus on it. Thus another reason why I am not doing so well in school. So instead, I just sit here and stare at the paper, it has have done work on it, but other than that there is nothing else on the paper. 

I get up and go to the window, to open it, just to get some fresh air. That's a mistake, the wind blows in and scatters my paper everywhere. I groan in annoyance and begin to pick up the papers. I start to hear a guitar being played and look outside. There is nothing, and the sound has stopped. I shake my head and go back to picking up what is suppose to be my homework. Then I hear it again, look, and again nothing is there. I groan and just give up with the papers, throwing them back to the floor and just lay down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. 

I start to dose off and dream of Marshall Lee coming back. He hasn't changed one bit, he still has that light in his eyes, and that beautiful smile of his. He reaches his hand out to me, I take it, and he pulls me into his arms. He kisses me on the lips, softly and long. Oh how I miss that. But I am awoken by a sudden sound outside of my window. I look and see that it is night out, I must have fallen asleep not dose off. I get up and look to see what is going on, going out to my balcony. I don't see anything. So I turn back around to go back to bed, but I am suddenly stopped by a voice.

"Hey Bubba." It says. I turn around and there he is. This has to be a dream, it just has to be. But I don't care he is here with me. 

"Marshall!" I call out and run back to the Balcony. He chuckles a bit and allows me to wrap my arms around his waist, pulling him closer. He wraps his arms around my neck and over my shoulders. Are mouths clash together. When we finally break the kiss, I get a better look at him. He has actually changed. His hair is cut and he has matured a bit in features, still really skinny though.

Marshalls POV: 

I take a look at Gumball, seeing that he has barely changed at all, the only thing that has changed is how tall he has gotten. His blue eyes have a sudden new light to them. "I'm home." I state, earning a chuckle and a nod from him.

"Yes, yes you are." He agrees with a slight joyful sob in his voice. He pulls me in close again, into another kiss. I allow him to wrap his arms around my waist. I honestly don't care anymore if I am dominant or not, as long as I am back with him, I don't care. "You changed your hairstyle." he comments after we break the kiss.

"Yeah, I thought it was time for a haircut." I reply, slightly emberrased by my choice of cut. 

"I like it. But I do miss your messy hair." He comments with a chuckle. I chuckle back and see that there are papers all over his room.

 "What? Finally had enough of school?" I ask. He looks back to what I was referring too. He shrugs his shoulders.

"Why bother if I don't have the one I love with me there?" He asks. I chuckle a bit then remember the questions I have.

"How is Marceline and Princess Bubblegum?" I ask.

"No clue." He answers. 

"What?" I ask confused. "Havent you seen them?" 

"Nope, Marceline isnt taking visitors and Bubblegum hasn't been around all that much." He explains.

"What about Ice Queen?" I ask, actually worrying about her. 

"She took it really hard while you were gone." He answers. "I was over there basically everyday." He adds. "How was being with your biological mother?" He asks me now.

"I hated it." I answer. 

"She that bad?" He asks.

"No, you weren't there." I state and wrap my arms around his neck and over his shoulders again. "I can stay now. I am cleared of that innocent." I explain.

Gumballs POV:

When Marshall says that I pull him into another kiss, but this time i pull him onto the balcony, so he isn't floating. I notice that I have grown a bit taller than he has, which makes me smile in a mocking way. 

"what?" He asks.

"Im taller." I state. He looks and then notices what I mean.

"Oh poo." He replies. I chuckle and then pull him into my room. 

"You don't know how it's been around here without you." I state as I lead him to the bed, pushing him onto it. 

"Whoa, I just got back." He states with a chuckle.

"So what? I waited a year for you, I am not patient enough to wait anymore." I state as I straddle him. "Gonna complain about being the submassive?" I ask in a teasing way. He shakes his head. 

"I don't care anymore, as long as I get to be with you, I don't care." He states as he allows me to do as I please. 

I missed the feeling of his cold skin, and how he reacted to my touches. Everything feels just right now that he has come back, and I will never let him go ever again. 

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